Warner Hires Former Kerry Campaign Manager

By: Loudoun County Dem
Published On: 7/12/2006 4:19:22 PM

The Richmond Report in the WaPo online reports that 'Warner Hires Former Kerry Campaign Manager'.

Jim Jordan, a longtime aide to Kerry who oversaw the launch of the 2004 presidential campaign, will work with Warner on "how to have the most impact in the 2006" congressional elections, according to Warner aide Ellen Qualls.

Does anyone know anything about Jim Jordan (good or bad)?
Jordan wasn't with the Kerry campaign for the entire 2004 election but this could be the most worrisome sentence:

Qualls said Jordan is not going to be a campaign manager, at least yet.

Do we need to send Warner a copy of 'Crashing the Gate'?


Warner (mkfox - 7/13/2006 2:05:29 AM)
doesn't need the book when he's got one of the authors ;)