BOOOOO-YAAAAAAH!!!!! That's right-it's post bar open thread time, baby.

By: phriendlyjaime
Published On: 7/5/2006 10:01:53 PM

What's up RK?  OK, let's get right to it; a couple of things to open up the floor...

We have work to do.  I know, I know; it's summer time and we want to play and have a great time, but let's work on some easy ways to spread the word about Jim Webb, VA's next Senator.  Wear a Webb sticker, a Webb shirt, a donkey pin, a banner that says "I love Democracy", a "Bush sucks" t-shirt, nothing but a flag with the words "Vote for Dems" written on it, a blue bikini or a blue speedo, go nude and get "I love Democrats" painted on your ass...whatever.  WHATEVER FLOATS YOUR BOAT.  Point is-get some attention.

Please: don't make me do all of the above things alone.  Because that's gonna be a loooooong summer.

Next...summer time is the PERFECT time to write LTEs about Webb, ESPECIALLY in light of the fact that G. Felix Allen and his doe eyed cronies are getting so much press time with their silly op-eds and crappy cable news show interviews.  So let's one up 'em; how about this instead?  What if every one of us were to devote two hours of our time this weekend (or next, I'm flexible) to writing 5 short (150 words or less) LTEs, and then we just shoot them out when we can?  Even better, we can copy the letter here, get advice (if we need/want it) and post about it every time we do it.  Even more coverage, instantaneously.  Not a terrible idea, right?  I mean, what's a couple hours for the sake of Democracy?

Third...let's all remember what exactly we are fighting against, ok?  The following picture was taken at an event in Memphis, TN, reminding me that when fascism come to America, it will come wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross (Sinclair Lewis).

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Yep.  If I wasn't buzzed, I might have to...I don't even know.  Maybe hook up with Gail Parker, whom you can read about below; she seems crazy enough to take my mind off of the above photo. 

Well, lay it on me.  What's going on?  Go ahead and get it off your chest...


"When fascism comes to America... (Josh - 7/5/2006 10:08:27 PM)
... it will come wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

That's an amazingly prescient quote (Lowell - 7/5/2006 10:13:59 PM)

I just flipped through the channels (phriendlyjaime - 7/5/2006 11:08:56 PM)
and caught Anderson Cooper for a few minutes.

He reminded me that it is almost the one year anniversary of hurricane Katrina.

Can you guys do me a favor and refresh my memory as to what exactly has been accomplished in regards to the affected areas since then?


Not holding my breath,


Hurricane bush (seveneasypeaces - 7/5/2006 11:34:39 PM)
They've torn down the public housing to make room for speedy gentrification.  The chief engineer of the Army Corps was either fired or quit a year earlier because he was so upset about the cutting of funds to maintain the levies.  They needed $200,000,000 more and could not get it but that was the amount of that silly bridge in Alaska that was OK'd. 

There is no question that the democratic stronghold in N.O. was exploded on purpose.  Just remember that Katrina actually missed them.  The next day their homes were standing and the day after they were standing in water.  They were hit by huricane bush.  He lost an entire city and got away with it.  And this city is the underbelly of our country where major exportation occurs from the Mississippi.  I'm still shaking about it.

LOL (DukieDem - 7/6/2006 1:08:22 AM)
Can we annoint Jamie the queen of the open threads? Or can we now just refer to an open thread as a Jamie?

I'll take the job, if Lowell has no objections. :) (phriendlyjaime - 7/6/2006 10:11:48 AM)

Go Jaime!! (summercat - 7/6/2006 5:29:44 AM)
I got an LTTE published in the HR Daily Press yesterday--
it's under "Vote Democratic."  FWIW, lol!,1,6796095.story

LOVE IT! (phriendlyjaime - 7/6/2006 10:13:18 AM)
Newport News

Vote Democratic

A current framing of Republican and Democratic outlooks has been described as "you're on your own" (Republican) vs. "we're in this together" (Democratic). The parties' respective stands on minimum wage, universal health care and energy use, for example, bear this out. As long as there is a Republican majority in Congress, a vote for a Republican is a vote against raising minimum wage, establishing universal health care and generating a responsible energy policy, beginning with an increase in corporate average fuel economy standards.

Those who want change need to give financial and in-kind support now, and votes in November, to the three local candidates who are challenging Republican incumbents: Jim Webb, Shawn O'Donnell and Phil Kellam. YOYO (you're on you own) vs. WITT (we're in this together): Sometimes an acronym says it all. email about Felix Allen (phriendlyjaime - 7/6/2006 12:17:40 PM)
Dear MoveOn member,

Your senator, George Allen, is deceiving constituents about his recent vote AGAINST Net Neutrality and Internet freedom—and he's doing it using taxpayer dollars.

Allen has accepted $113,000 in campaign cash from phone and cable companies AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, and Time Warner.1 Last week, he voted to let them put tollbooths on the Internet and have more control over what you see and do online—a blow to Internet freedom.

Allen's now using his taxpayer-funded website to say he "voted yes" on a bill that "addresses the issue of Net Neutrality."2 Indeed, it addresses Net Neutrality by putting it on the road to elimination.

Please call Sen. Allen to tell him it's wrong to sell out to companies like AT&T on Net Neutrality—and then deceive the public on a taxpayer-funded website. Here is the number:

Senator George Allen
Phone: 202-224-4024

Please click here to let us know you called and to share how it went:

After you call Allen's Washington, D.C. office, you can also call your local district office by clicking the above link.

Virginians as diverse as MoveOn and Christian Coalition members called Sen. Allen in recent weeks and asked him to vote for Net Neutrality.3 We know he heard our voices because his website now has a page dedicated to Net Neutrality—right between the issues of Military and Taxes.

True to his football roots, Allen knew he had to pick a team—he could run the ball down the field for the big telephone and cable companies, or he could play on the side of his constituents. Allen chose money over people. He then chose to head-fake his constituents, using the words "Net Neutrality" and "Internet freedom" to describe his votes against those principles.

Senator Allen's deceptions (and translations):

The bill he supported "promotes Internet freedom by keeping government regulation at a minimum." (Translation: It eliminates the Net Neutrality rules that have been on the books for the entire history of the Internet.)
You can still "Access any web page." (Translation: Slowly.)
You can still "Run any search engine." (Translation: Some run faster than others.)
You can still "Receive in clear and plan language information on estimated speeds, capabilities, limitations, and pricing of any Internet services." (Translation: AT&T can tell you blatantly that they're slowing down your favorite websites because it will be perfectly legal.)
"This measure requires that the Federal Communications Commission report to Congress annually on Net Neutrality." (Translation: The FCC has no teeth to crack down on Internet discrimination.)
Allen also implies that there is no impending threat to Internet freedom when Net Neutrality is eliminated—ignoring this report in the Washington Post about a telecom executive blatantly saying he will turn the Internet into an auction house when Net Neutrality is gone:

"William L. Smith, chief technology officer for Atlanta-based BellSouth Corp., told reporters and analysts that an Internet service provider such as his firm should be able, for example, to charge Yahoo Inc. for the opportunity to have its search site load faster than that of Google Inc."4

But don't worry—Senator Allen still supports "Internet freedom."

Please call Sen. Allen to tell him it's wrong to sell out to companies like AT&T on Net Neutrality—and then deceive the public on a taxpayer-funded website. Here is the number:

Senator George Allen
Phone: 202-224-4024

Thanks for keeping the pressure on Congress as we fight to save the Internet.

–Eli Pariser, Adam Green, Noah T. Winer, and the Civic Action team
  Thursday, July 6th, 2006


1. "George Allen (R-VA) Top Contributors" (first term, 2001-2006), Center for Responsive Politics

2. "Net Neutrality," Sen. George Allen taxpayer-funded website.

3. Christian Coalition Action Alerts

4. "Executive Wants to Charge for Web Speed," Washington Post, December 1, 2005

5. Other informative articles:

"Net Losses," New Yorker, March 20, 2006

"Why You Should Care About Net Neutrality," Slate—Prof. Tim Wu Guest Column, May 1, 2006

How Net Neutrality affects you

Joint Op-Ed on Net Neutrality, MoveOn and Christian Coalition, Washington Times, June 16, 2006

"'Net neutrality' battle may sink sweeping telecommunications reform bill," USA Today, July 29, 2006

Webb mentioned TWICE as "best" of the week (phriendlyjaime - 7/6/2006 1:34:18 PM)
Best election sniping: Democratic candidate Jim Webb takes on incumbent Senator George Allen when Allen notes Webb's opposition to the flag-burning amendment. "George Felix Allen Jr." sat out the Vietnam War "playing cowboy at a dude ranch in Nevada," fires back Webb, who commanded a Marine rifle company in Vietnam.

Best commentary on the contretemps: "Webb's team is determined that Webb will not be Swift-Boated," says Larry Sabato in an AP account.

From The Hook

The freepers are crybabies (phriendlyjaime - 7/6/2006 1:53:54 PM)
Freepers on WEBB

Gimme a break (phriendlyjaime - 7/6/2006 1:59:05 PM)
These people are morons