Last Push for Judy Feder

By: Greg Bouchillon
Published On: 6/30/2006 11:44:31 AM

[Note: It's so hard trying to gather funds for all these great candidates, money only goes so far.]

It's the last day of the fundraising period and Judy is almost there. She is now less than 2k short of her goal of raising 100k online in the month of June. How does this break down:

1 person gives 2000.00
10 people give 200.00
100 people give 20.00
1000 people give 2.00

Believe me, a few bucks goes such a long way in this campaign where Frank Wolf sends free press mailings (paid for by your tax dollars). Please consider giving what you can, even if it's only a few dollars.

P.S. - To the Wolf staffers, now is your chance to really shine and help a great candidate.


i got one of those (thegools - 7/1/2006 2:07:35 AM)
Wolf mailings two days ago.  Very well done, very posh and labeled "official US Government mail."

It was a campaign piece, without the campaign ever mentioned.