George Felix Allen: A CEO's Best Friend...

By: Jambon
Published On: 6/29/2006 10:01:45 PM

The graph below sums it up folks.  In George Felix Allen's America, this is acceptable:

Click to enlarge

In case you can't read the numbers above, it shows that the average CEO made 821 times as much as the minimum wage earner in America in 2005.  Sit back and contemplate that for a moment.

And just to remind everyone, George Felix Allen voted against raising the minimum wage last week.

Increasing Minimum Wage Amendment
Bill Number: S 2766
Issue: Labor
Date: 06/21/2006
How members voted

Senator George Felix Allen voted NO.
Jonathan Tasini wrote in his blog yesterday that the graph above "should be burned as a tattoo on the chest of every member of the Senate who voted against the minimum wage increase".

I agree with Tasini.  Because apparently George Felix Allen, unlike Jim Webb, sees nothing wrong with an America where "An average CEO earns more before lunchtime on the very first day of work in the year than a minimum wage worker earns all year." - EPI Data

But hey!  Maybe Felix is right.  After all, it's not how much you get paid on the job right?

Whatever Felix.
