would you believe lead story in Daily Press

By: teacherken
Published On: 6/28/2006 5:31:23 PM

which is one of major papers in Hampton Roads area, is entitled Webb  Rips into Allen over flag.  That's right, upper right hand column, along side the mandatory four column piece on the weather.  Surprisingly it does not appear currently on their home page, although you can still find it.

I thought I would excerpt just a few bits down below. Someone should watch for any subsequent editorial reaction.  I only knew about it because it was visible in the vending box window.
here are some snippets, but really, go back above the fold and use the link to read the entire piece.

Only two weeks after earning the Democratic nomination in a mostly civil primary election, Jim Webb dialed up the rhetoric Tuesday, verbally carpet-bombing Sen. George Allen over differences the two have on flag burning.

  Allen campaign manager Dick Wadhams had accused Webb of being "beholden to liberal Washington senators" because he was against the Allen-supported flag-burning amendment to the Constitution that died in the Senate on Tuesday.

  Webb considered the comments to be an attack on his patriotism because he objects to tinkering with the First Amendment.

Wadhams said he was surprised that Webb was offended.

  "I didn't think anybody attacked his patriotism," Wadhams said. "I don't see how anybody could attack Jim Webb's patriotism."

  The attack was by "implication," explained Kristian Denny Todd, Webb's press secretary.

"This is straight out of the Republican playbook ... taking a candidate's strength and trying to turn it into a weakness," Denny Todd said. "It's what Chris LaCivita did with Swift Boats against John Kerry."

  LaCivita helped orchestrate the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" attacks during the 2004 Bush campaign. He now works for Allen.

  "It's been said that Democrats aren't willing to fight back in campaigns," Denny Todd said. "Well, we're willing. We're not letting them get away with it."

The whole point of this is to keep Jim Webb from being 'Swift-Boated' like John Kerry was," said Larry Sabato, a political scientist at the University of Virginia.

  "Webb will not be smash-mouthed by GOP operatives. I think this is a tough, aggressive attack that hits Allen in one of his weak spots."

  Allen, a first-term senator and former governor, did not serve in the military.

  Stephen Farnsworth, a political scientist at the University of Mary Washington, agreed with Sabato. "It's said the best defense is a good offense and it's clear Webb isn't going to be bullied like John Kerry was two years ago," Farnsworth said.

  "Military service is a one of Webb's defining characteristics, and this is a potential Republican vulnerability for those without military service."


since this is on front page do something else (teacherken - 6/28/2006 5:32:46 PM)
besides recommend it.  Pass the story on through your email list.  Post a comment on how you view the story.

I've got to back to work for my seminar.  I have a paper to write tonight.

DP article is pretty balanced-- (RayH - 6/28/2006 5:58:21 PM)
They focused upon the strong language of the campaign, not so much on the candidates. I expect the Allen camp will counterpunch with some kind of drivel about flip flopping or being too liberal.

Allen's side has a record to defend. It is a lackluster record. Republicans keep saying stuff about being the only party with ideas. Well, what have been George Allen's best ideas?

I saw a TV ad where he mentioned helping Virgnina by funding transportation in the Senate. Was he refering to the multi-billion dollar deal that he sponsored for Aeronautics? That doesn't do much for me personally.

What has George done for you lately? Isn't it time for a change?

Have you guys and gals seen this? (phriendlyjaime - 6/28/2006 6:09:05 PM)
From Hotline...

Webb/Allen/Jarding/Wadhams: Part II

Here's the latest ripostes from the proxy war between the campaigns of Sen. George Allen (R-VA) and ex-Navy Secretary James Webb (D).

The frission started when Allen mgr Dick Wadhams, in a statement on Webb's oppositon to a flag burning amendment, said this: “Now that we know that James H. Webb, Jr. is following Kerry, Kennedy and Schumer in opposing the Flag Protection Amendment, maybe he will finally take a position on other ‘real issues’ such as immediate withdrawal from Iraq and immigration,” Wadhams said. “His positions change daily.”

Steve Jarding, a Webb adviser, responded with an angry missive here.

Wadhams's rebuttal.

And now, a statement from Jarding, e-mailed to us late last night.

  "Dick Wadhams is a wounded dog and he is lashing out. First, he was reprimanded publicly for arrogantly and inexplicably berating a national independent pollster who simply stated his findings in a Wall Street Journal poll which showed Allen to be in big trouble against the independent and refreshing Jim Webb. Then Wadhams rudely, irreverently, and inexplicably attacked a highly decorated Vietnam veteran in Jim Webb for his position on freedom of speech. Dick Wadhams' tired old slash and burn politics strategy is now biting him in the behind because Jim Webb and his campaign will not roll over to this plastic, smoke and mirrors campaign tactic. And Wadhams wonders why people are calling for his head. And Dick, one more thing, I am too old and have been through too many wars to respond to your comments that I am acting "tough." This isn't about you or me, Dick. And it is no act. George Allen's rubber stamp of all things Bush and his eagerness to cave to special interests have hurt too many Americans, have shattered too many dreams and have squashed too many opportunities for tens of thousands of Virginians and millions of Americans. The truth is, Dick, this fight is bigger than either one of us. I trust the people of Virginia to send you that message."

Wadhams this a.m. sent a memo to Virginia reporters and editors pointing out the exchange. Here's an excerpt -- the full memo is after the jump.

  When it was reported yesterday morning that Webb opposed the amendment, we issued a press release pointing out he stood with those that supported him in the Democratic Primary, Senators John Kerry, Charles Schumer and Ted Kennedy, who also opposed the Flag Protection Amendment. From that, Webb’s political consultant hysterically extrapolated it was an “attack on Webb’s patriotism.” Huh? So now we know whenever we publicly ask Webb to take a position on an issue that is being debated and voted on in the U.S. Senate, we will be accused of “attacking Webb’s patriotism.” Whenever we contrast Senator Allen’s clear positions on the many issues affecting Virginia and the United States versus those of Webb we can anticipate they will resort to breathlessly accusing us of “attacking Webb’s patriotism.”

The real target here isn't necessarily Wadhams; it's Chris Lacivita, the Allen strategist who brought the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth to the national stage. LaCivita, like Webb, is a Marine.

Webb's campaign is sending a message here: we won't be swift-boated, we won't dare let Allen get away with questioning our patriotism. Allen's campaign is also sending a message: we know what Jim Webb's buttons are, and we're gonna push them.

Here's Dick Wadhams' full memo to reporters:

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

To: Virginia Editors and Reporters

From: Dick Wadhams, Campaign Manager

Friends of George Allen

I wanted to make sure you saw last night’s diatribe from the Webb campaign. You can’t fully appreciate it until you actually see it and read it.

It’s the latest in a clear pattern of thuggish behavior by Webb and his campaign:

--Following a televised debate during the Democratic primary where Harris Miller raised questions about Webb’s erratic shifts from Democrat to Republican to Democrat to Republican to Democrat, Webb shouted at Miller to “Shut your mouth!”

--A flier attacking Harris Miller that was produced by the Webb campaign and that Webb acknowledged he saw before it was distributed, depicted a man with a hook nose and money spilling from his pockets, a characterization described as “replete with anti-Semitic stereotypes.” To make matters worse, the Webb campaign acknowledged cynically distributing it in only a selected part of Virginia.

As the Senate began debate on the Flag Protection Amendment this past Monday, we publicly asked Webb if he supported the amendment. As has been the case on so many issues in this campaign where Webb has been silent or has vacillated, Webb had not declared a position on the amendment.

When it was reported yesterday morning that Webb opposed the amendment, we issued a press release pointing out he stood with those that supported him in the Democratic Primary, Senators John Kerry, Charles Schumer and Ted Kennedy, who also opposed the Flag Protection Amendment.

From that, Webb’s political consultant hysterically extrapolated it was an “attack on Webb’s patriotism.” Huh?

So now we know whenever we publicly ask Webb to take a position on an issue that is being debated and voted on in the U.S. Senate, we will be accused of “attacking Webb’s patriotism.”

Whenever we contrast Senator Allen’s clear positions on the many issues affecting Virginia and the United States versus those of Webb we can anticipate they will resort to breathlessly accusing us of “attacking Webb’s patriotism.”

So please make sure you read the Webb diatribe and our press releases in their entirety. It will tell you everything you need to know about what kind of candidate and campaign are opposing Senator George Allen.

They.  Are.  SCARED.

Throw Down: The Virginia Vet vs. The California Cowboy... (Loudoun County Dem - 6/28/2006 9:44:41 PM)
Little wonder George Felix Allen, Jr. is quaking in his (spit stained) boots...

Poll on Allen's Website (alex schultes - 6/28/2006 6:22:15 PM)

Do you believe that the burning or desecration of the American flag degrades those who fought and died for America, and, therefore, that the flag should be protected by the U.S. Constitution?

Yes  29%

No  71%

How will Allen and his cronies explain their own poll?

be sure to get screen shots (teacherken - 6/28/2006 6:23:58 PM)
and start sending them out to all the local media contacts you have.

VA senate race makes Yahoo frontpage - Felix, Jr is sweating (JennyE - 6/28/2006 7:43:32 PM)

I really don't like (mkfox - 6/28/2006 7:47:31 PM)
when newspapers use "rip" to describe heated campaign exchanges. As a journalist, I think that word just isn't very objective, even if the exchange is as heated as this one, IMHO. "Webb bluntly defends flag stance" would've sufficed.