I'll Blog for Dinner...at John Edwards' House, That Is!

By: Lowell
Published On: 6/9/2005 1:00:00 AM

You know blogging's arrived when people start: 1) making movies about blogging; 2) fighting viciously over making "blogumentaries;" 3) conducting Stalinist-style blood purges of their fellow bloggers for purported ideological non-conformity; and 4) claiming that the liberal blogosphere has now surpassed cable TV news.

Given all this, could politicians possibly be far behind?  Uh, no.  Just a few weeks ago, for instance, former California gubernatorial candidate and progressive political activist Arianna Huffington started her own blog (or is it a blog?), The Huffington Post, with a star-studded cast of characters from Hollywood (John Cusack, Ellen DeGeneres, David Mamet, Julia Louis-Dreyfus) and politics (Rep. Ed Markey, Rep. John Conyers). 

Most recently, Democratic Vice Presidential candidate John Edwards just finished guest blogging for a week over at Joshua Micah Marshall's TPM Cafe blog.  Not only that, but Edwards has even started wining and dining select bloggers over at his Georgetown house.  Bummer, where was MY invitation?  Maybe next time, Senator Edwards?  And please, PLEASE don't hold it against me that I supported Wes Clark in the 2004 Democratic primaries.  LOL.

Of course, most political candidates now have blogs, of (widely) varying quality of course.  Here in Virginia, Tim Kaine has a blog, George Fitch has a blog, Bob McDonnell has a blog, as do many House of Delegates candidates like Rex McCarty and Bruce Roemmelt

Obviously, political blogs have arrived.  The question is, "arrived where?"  Are they simply another way -- among many -- for candidates to get their propaganda..er, message out?  Or, do blogs fundamentally change the way politics is conducted in this country, as some  have argued?  In other words, are blogs revolutionary, evolutionary, or merely the "same old same old" -- politics by other means? 

Time will tell, but of course I'm biased and want to believe that what I'm doing here makes a difference.  If not, I guess it's still fun mouthing off, slamming right-wingers, and highlighting the shenanigans and corrupt ways of the Jerry Kilgores, Bill Bollings, and Tom DeLays of the world.  Anyway, it beats taking up other hobbies -- gambling, drinking, carousing  -- that my wife would approve of even LESS than she does of this one!! :)

Yep, that's why I blog.  Not to change the world, not because it's the most fun thing around.  I blog because I want dinner at John Edwards house.  And also because blogging is (sort of) acceptable to my wife.  Thanks honey!
