Jim Webb Opposes the Flag Burning Amendment

By: Kathy Gerber
Published On: 6/26/2006 8:52:45 PM

Press release is here:

It's short so here you go:

June 26, 2006
Webb Campaign: Statement on Flag Burning Amendment

+óGé¼+ôJim Webb has great respect for our national flag and great respect for our Constitution, and is proud of the many contributions his family has made in defense of both. Like many combat veterans such as General Colin Powell and former Senators John Glenn and Bob Kerry, he does not believe it is necessary to amend the Constitution in order to protect the dignity of our flag. This is yet another example of deliberately divisive politics that distract Americans from the real issues that are facing our country,+óGé¼-¥ said Kristian Denny Todd, spokeswoman for the Webb campaign.


terrific - I have been waiting for this (teacherken - 6/26/2006 10:55:21 PM)
because of my own principles on the issue.

Another Veteran (Ambivalent Mumblings - 6/26/2006 11:01:38 PM)
I believe it is critical to look at the fact that, as the statement mentions, there are several prominent veterans that have come out against the amendment. The flag obviously deserves a great deal of respect. There have been thousands of men and women how have died to protect the freedom that the American flag stands for. If there were to be an amendment passed against flag burning, however, it would be an unnecessary restriction placed upon the freedoms Americans enjoy.

I am glad to hear this (cvitter - 6/27/2006 7:46:44 AM)
I find this proposed amendment to be truly horrifying. Any politician that would vote for it is not worthy of protecting our Constitution.

I am really worried that this is going to get out of the Senate. More people need to speak out now as Allen and Warner are all but guaranteed to vote yes on this.

Say no to the Flag Desecration Amendment

Excellent. (Info_Tech_Guy - 6/27/2006 8:34:38 AM)
I especially appreciate the effort to refocus the debate on critical issues which confront Americans.

So many of Allen's public postitions are based on "deliberately divisive politics" designed to set Americans against each other and manipulating symbols of national and regional pride.

Certainly, Allen and his allies seek to "distract Americans from the real issues that are facing our country". They don't want to defend an unnecessary, failed and ruinous war nor do they want to discuss the deteriorating economic situation of most Americans.

Waving the "bloody flag" with a heaping helping of jingoism is George Allen-Bush's preferred mode of "leadership". This is what W did in '04...

Now, we're 2 years (since '04) further into a failed war and 2 years deeper into moving the best American jobs offshore (or seeing corporatists fill jobs with imported workers). Allens seems to be dusting off the '04 political distraction playbook: flag burning, "marriage/family issues", etc.

On to the war and economy/jobs issues. George Allen does NOT want to go there.

Burn one in front of me.... (Lewis Armistead - 6/27/2006 9:53:36 AM)
Amendment or no amendment...burn one in front of me and you'll get your ass kicked.

F*** with our constitution n front of me... (Lowell - 6/27/2006 10:02:27 AM)
and get your ass kicked.

Direct your anger to the Founders (Lewis Armistead - 6/27/2006 10:19:25 AM)
Direct your anger to the Founders...who provided provisions whereby the Constitution can be amended.

I don't personally support a constitutional amendment banning flag burning...but if the proponents of the same are able to gather support through Congress..and the state legislatures...then more power to them.

You can't fault them for playing by the rules as established by the Founders.

Lowell- (phriendlyjaime - 6/27/2006 11:14:18 AM)
Why can everyone on RK give ratings?  Because trolls giving troll ratings is unnacceptable, and they should not be considered in any way to have garnered enough "trust" to rate other users.

Anything we can do about this?

yawn (Reen - 6/27/2006 10:37:35 AM)
Your anonymous cowardice in taking up the banner of violent criminal behavior is not without precendent.

Weren't you all into law only yesterday?

who the "f" are you? (Lewis Armistead - 6/27/2006 11:00:49 AM)

a nectar filled can of whupass (Reen - 6/27/2006 11:13:11 AM)
If I every decide to point it at ya, I'll show my ID first.  How's your reading speed?

kisses to ya, voodoo boy

Get 'er done (Lewis Armistead - 6/27/2006 11:23:25 AM)

Quoting from the idiot actor (phriendlyjaime - 6/27/2006 11:28:00 AM)
who poses as a good ole boy.  Did you know he was born a Northerner, had a nothern accent, and even went to an Ivy League School?  He really hates having that pointed out to him.  And his comedy sucks.  Blue collar TV is mind numbing and I lose brain cells watching it. 

You must have the DVD collection.

here's the link (phriendlyjaime - 6/27/2006 11:29:45 AM)
open letter from a REAL comedian to Larry the douche

actually no, I don't have the DVD collection (Lewis Armistead - 6/27/2006 11:55:54 AM)
but...I do like the slogan "Get 'er done."

Truth be told, I much prefer Ron White's comedy to Larry the Cable Guy.  He left the show because he didn't want to be typecast as "blue collar."

What do you have against blue collar folks, btw?

Nothing (phriendlyjaime - 6/27/2006 12:10:28 PM)
I come from an immigrant blue collar family from NJ-my dad moved here at 16 from Poland and graduated high school at 21, 2 days later was drafted to Vietnam.  I have nothing against blue collar workers.

I have a real problem with Larry claiming he is blue collar when he was born wealthy and without the accent he makes fun of so well.

COMMENT HIDDEN (Lewis Armistead - 6/27/2006 5:43:16 PM)