Look out for "new" faces on RaisingKaine

By: JennyE
Published On: 6/10/2006 3:07:11 PM

Have you noticed an increase in comments by drive-by "new" posters? Yeah, they now have an opinion from the other side and three days before the election, they want all of us to hear from them.

Expect to see fresh faces today, tomorrow, on Mon and on Tue on RK and also some usual trollish comments. Be prepared.

To all the new comers here, we welcome you.


Yeah really (Craig - 6/10/2006 3:54:51 PM)
Look out especially for stealth Miller backers disguised as Webb backers who wail about how "it's hopeless" and "everyone I ask loves Miller."

Course, they could also be stealth Allen people, which seems slightly more likely.  But don't believe their line for a minute, either way.

It would be nice if RK had a cumulative rating/display system... (Loudoun County Dem - 6/10/2006 4:31:37 PM)
...similar to eBay. Every user can see at a glance (the color of the star in eBay's case along with the actual sum total of recommendations) what users have established a communal level of trust.

Each transaction (auction lot on eBay, comment on RK) can be rated by the parties involved (anyone here can rate any comment). With a +/- rating system the trusted value of each user will quickly be established based on the quality and frequency of a users interaction with RK. The more a user contributes the higher their rating will grow based on democratic principles.

Just click on the user's name... (Info_Tech_Guy - 6/10/2006 11:06:02 PM)
and check on the comments they've made. It's pretty easy to determine who's a troll or Miller proxy.

I also note that we're seeing an increase in 1) posters claiming to have been initially pro-Webb but now upset about something and 2) people claiming to be undecided but very upset by Webb.

You can pretty well figure these people out by looking at their posting history.

It's fun to speculate about who the Miller trolls are: college friends of Miller's children, young interns/employees at the pro-outsourcing ITAA business lobby, tech exec buddies of Miller's from the ITAA member companies, politicos who have endorsed Miller, etc.

They all seem to use variations on the Microsoft advertising strategy against Jim Webb: Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt ("FUD"). It has worked wonderfully for Microsoft and Miller throughout his lobbying career.

Example (Info_Tech_Guy - 6/10/2006 11:57:24 PM)

The Comments shown are a pretty clear indication of the posters purpose here on RK...