Roanoke Times backs Webb

By: loboforestal
Published On: 6/10/2006 2:38:16 AM

The Roanoke Times endorses Jim Webb
Our recommendation rests on the conclusion that Webb personifies a keen intellect and an authentic identification with the "little guy."

Those character traits will resonate with the same Virginians, regardless of party, who in recent elections have recognized practical political wisdom in such Democrats as Mark Warner and Tim Kaine.


Very nice endorsement (Lowell - 6/10/2006 6:41:14 AM)
Thanks for posting it.

You blogged this first! (KathyinBlacksburg - 6/10/2006 8:31:16 AM)
That's what I get for a) sleeping in and b) reading the op-ed before gazing up for the endorsement.