Texas Republicans Secede

By: Josh
Published On: 6/5/2006 12:57:55 PM

The Texas Taliban declared war on America this weekend, but I hear they had good barbeque.

In direct contradiction to the US Constitution, Texas Republicans this weekend declared that "America is a Christian nation," and etched those words in their party platform.

As an appallingly low number of Republicans seem to know, the US Constitution says the following:

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

That's right, a party which sets out to establish a religion by law, commits treason to the US Constitution.  But what do you expect from these hysterical, power-mad, false Christians.

It's frightening to note that 55% of the Republican base is caught up in what effectively amounts to a death-cult.  These "Christianists" abhor the basic tenants of Christianity, but devoutly believe in Old-Testament fire-and-brimstone dogma whenever it suits their political ends.  The belief system of the Christianists includes the current presence of the Biblical Anti-Christ amongst us and the imminent arrival of Armageddon.  With the return of Christ upon us, there can be no importance given to future of America much less the future of the World.  The "Tribulation" is only 7 years, and after that, Jesus' thousand year reign begins.  With all that about to happen, who cares about the Climate Crisis, African Genocide, or the end of American leadership Worldwide? 

The Republican Party has fashioned together an alliance of Corporatists and Christianists in a perfect alliance of Greed, Ignorance, and Hate.  These are the forces that currently control the Government and Media in the United States of America.  After 6 years of absolute power at the national level, America is now precipitously poised to flounder under epochal debt, perpetual war, limitless executive secrecy and power, and mounting threats to the Constitution from within.

These people clearly have no desire to participate in the American experiment in Democracy.  Rather than live as "One Nation under God", they would rather live as One Nation under the boot of those who claim to speak for God.


Did you see this strangeness? (Kathy Gerber - 6/6/2006 9:53:55 PM)