Pro-George Allen Blog: Webb would be a better candidate in the general election

By: Mitch Dworkin
Published On: 5/31/2006 2:59:14 AM

Hello Everyone:

Please see below from a George Allen supporting Blog where they comment that "Webb would be a better candidate in the general election" and "It+óGé¼Gäós surreal that the Democrats are putting up this +óGé¼-£person+óGé¼Gäó (Harris Miller). It shows how severely sold out they are, as soul-less as Harris himself."

While they also criticize James Webb in this Blog, it is very clear to me that the grassroots supporters of George Allen fear James Webb in the general election much more than they do Harris Miller!

These links below will be helpful to monitor the grassroots activities of George Allen's grassroots supporters which is a very important thing to do in my opinion:

Remember that this is Blog about James Webb and Harris Miller is coming from the grassroots supporters of George Allen, NOT from Democrats!

Please forward this on for all Virginia Democrats to consider before they vote in the primary on June 13! 

Mitch Dworkin
Gen. Wes Clark's endorsement of Jim Webb against George Allen
Jim Webb for Senate website
Sign up to receive Jim Webb for Senate campaign E Mails!
Please contribute what you can to help Jim Webb!



More on Harris Miller and James Webb
Filed under: Virginia politics , 2006 Senate campaign by Chad Dotson @ 12:45 pm 

Marc Fisher has this profile of Democratic candidate for Senate, Harris Miller, while this article asks which candidate +óGé¼GÇ¥ Miller or James Webb +óGé¼GÇ¥ is +óGé¼+ôthe better Democrat?+óGé¼-¥

Take these for what their worth, as in the WaPo piece, Miller revels in being known as a liberal, while the other article has this opening paragraph:

Democrats trying to decide between Jim Webb or Harris Miller as their party+óGé¼Gäós candidate to run against Republican George Allen for U.S. Senate in November can be assured of one thing. Neither of these guys is a scary liberal.

Yeah, right.

I can+óGé¼Gäót believe there is any serious argument about the following two points: (1) Webb would be a better candidate in the general election, and (2) Miller is a better candidate in the Democratic primary. Democratic blogosphere-echo-chamber (and GOP blogosphere spin) notwithstanding, of course.

UPDATE: I love the way Riley puts it:

Harris +óGé¼+ôThe Worst Candidate Ever+óGé¼-¥ Miller so far seems to be proving to have the superior campaign to Jim +óGé¼+ôThe Worst Campaign Ever+óGé¼-¥ Webb.


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1 Comment

Harris Miller is someone I+óGé¼Gäóve had the misfortune of knowing about since 1998

I can think of no individual I+óGé¼Gäóve ever know about, that is so rabidly anti-working American citizen as Harris

He has nearly singlehandedly brought back indentured servitude into this country, something that was banned at it+óGé¼Gäós founding

Most people know that tech went from a career with great possibility, to a dead end, and nobody has had more to do with that than Harris Miller

He has relentlessly pushed for more H-1b visas. He+óGé¼Gäós also pushed for paperless Diebold ballots

It+óGé¼Gäós surreal that the Democrats are putting up this +óGé¼-£person+óGé¼Gäó. It shows how severely sold out they are, as soul-less as Harris himself

Comment by BobC +óGé¼GÇ¥ 5/30/2006 @ 10:59 pm

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