George Allen Lies

By: Lowell
Published On: 5/30/2006 3:18:03 PM

Another day, another fundraising letter from George "California Cowboy" Allen.  This one's typical Allen garbage, about how "liberal Democrats" - it's always "liberal" Democrats; apparently there are no moderate or conservative Dems in Virginia, LOL - are "angry, angry" because of his "strong support for President Bush.  And somehow he manages to sneak Jane Fonda into the letter.  Jane Fonda?  As in, a woman who holds no political office and has no influence whatsoever in today's Democratic Party?  But, obviously, this blast from the past must help George Allen raise money, and that's all that matters to people like him.

Anyway, besides the lie that all Democrats are "liberal" and "angry angry," George Allen simply lies point blank about Jim Webb.  No, he doesn't mention him by name, but he talks about the "two Democrats" he faces, each of whom "could put millions of their own money into the race to defeat me." 

Gotcha!  Jim Webb categorically can NOT put millions of his own money into this race.  That's just a load of...well, all kinds of nasty things.  Self-financing?  Jim Webb?  Then why is the Webb campaign working so hard to raie $100,000 in 1 week in order to rebut Harris "Shiller" Miller's nasty TV ads?  If Webb's so rich, why doesn't he just throw the $100,000 in right now and be done with it?  Perhaps because that's a load of...

George Allen: not a cowboy, not a football coach, not telling the truth about Jim Webb.


HAAAAA-HAAAAAAA!!!! (phriendlyjaime - 5/30/2006 3:20:05 PM)
Allen is scared, Allen is scared!

I Agree with Phriendly, but . . . (Kip - 5/30/2006 5:02:06 PM)
Beware of the swiftboats! Perhaps you can help me out on this but I believe one of the "veterans" of the swiftboat campaign is helping Allen. We must match every smear with a rapid response. John Kerry tried to wait until the storm blew over. It failed miserably. Tim Kaine fought back immediately. It worked wonderfully. We have to follow the latter example and starts preparing now for the assualts that are coming.

By the way does the Webb headquarters need any help tonight?

I am sure they do (phriendlyjaime - 5/30/2006 5:03:58 PM)
call em up!  They may be phone banking...  :)

Chris LaCivita is who you're thinking of... (Lowell - 5/30/2006 5:13:03 PM)
Mr. Swift Boat is helping Allen now.  And Scott "Hitler Ad" Howell as well.  "The company you keep..."

Glad someone else caught this (Delta Mike - 5/30/2006 5:28:43 PM)
I was like, "who the heck is this other self-funding Democrat, because it ain't Jim Webb."

Poor Jane (Arturo - 5/30/2006 5:48:08 PM)
She lives a quiet life in Atlanta, GA.  I saw her on TV the other day; she looks pretty good. Pobrecita.