More Antichrist Imagery...

By: Lowell
Published On: 5/28/2006 7:00:08 AM

Remember how, back in 6th or 7th grade, every time you learned a new word in English class you would then start seeing it pop up everywhere?  Well, I've just had one of those Middle School moments, this time with our favorite word du jour, "Antichrist."  That's right, who can forget all the (phony) frothing at the mouth and (mock) outrage a week ago over Jim Webb's quoting of the phrase, "Antichrist of Outsourcing," to describe Harris Miller?  Oh, the humanity of it all!  The horror, the horror!  The (supposed) anti-Semitic insidiousness behind it all!  Oy vey.

Anyway, this morning in the New York Times, columnist Frank Rich uses the dreaded word in a political commentary on Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, and the brewing 2008 Democratic nomination contest.  Here's the 'graf in question:

If Senator Clinton is the Antichrist, might not it be time for a resurrected messiah to inherit (and save) the earth? Enter Mr. Gore, celebrated by New York on its cover as "The Un-Hillary."

Woah now.  Hillary Clinton is the "Antichrist?"  Quick, get those far-left and far-right-wing Virginia bloggers back on the job, stat!  C'mon guys, let's hear the outrage (or glee, in the case of the right wingers) at Hillary Clinton being called "the Antichrist!"  Yeah, I know, she's not Jewish, but Frank Rich most certainly is.  Holy Moses, what can THAT mean?!?  Someone - Alice, Shaun? - can you please explain the broader significance here, cuz I'm sure there must be some.  Or not.  No, most definitely not.

Anyway, I have a feeling we're going to keep seeing the word "Antichrist" pop up, now that we've learned what it means.  Hey, whoever said politics - like Middle School English class - wasn't an edifying experience?


COMMENT HIDDEN (Thomas Paine - 5/28/2006 9:15:13 AM)

Webb coined the term "Antichrist?" WTF? (Lowell - 5/28/2006 10:07:06 AM)
OK, look, if you're just going to come on here and spout utter nonsense and wackiness, I'm going to have to ban you.  I've been patient, but this is getting utterly ridiculous.  By the way, why am I not surprised that someone like you is supporting Harris Miller?

Don't troll rate Thomas Paine (phriendlyjaime - 5/28/2006 12:23:23 PM)
for his comment.  I want it to stay right here-let people see what a Miller supporter is like.  Seriously, this guy needs to go work for O'Reilly.  They can have a "who's the bigger douche" contest every day.

Oh, and your little Al Gore comment made us all realize that most likely, you are worse than a straight up Miller supporter, you are actually an Allen supporter hanging out, trying to mess with us.  You cannot call yourself a Democrat and still mock AL Gore, the greatest President elect ever.  You are simply the worst, Mr. Paine.