Virginia Budget Debacle; Thanks House Republicans!

By: Lowell
Published On: 5/24/2006 7:17:21 AM

Yesterday, after a 133-day faceoff, the Virginia Senate blinked first. Unfortunately, for now, the right-wing Republican-controlled House of Delegates got its wish: there will be no new taxes.  Unfortunately for the rest of us, there will be no mass transit or roads either.  In other words, the end result of having a Republican-controlled House and Senate in Virginia has come down to this: gridlock today, gridlock tomorrow, gridlock forever. Here's some reporting and commentary from today's papers on this sorry situation (bolding added for emphasis):

Richmond Times Dispatch: "The Virginia Senate yesterday surrendered on new taxes for transportation, likely averting a government shutdown but reducing chances of a long-term fix for roads and transit."

Richmond Times Dispatch: "Without new taxes or fees, there will be virtually no additional sustained revenue for transportation, funding for which was last overhauled 20 years ago before gridlock gripped Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads."

Washington Post: "It is Mr. Kaine's misfortune that he is up against a House Republican leadership more intent on giving him a black eye than on addressing the state's grievous long-term transportation problems."

Washington Post: "Virginia's transportation funding crisis is real, long term and urgent; it will not disappear just because Republican hard-liners in the House of Delegates are allergic to raising taxes. In other words, Mr. Kaine's cause has been deferred, not defeated."

Washington Post: "'s a prediction: Virginia voters will be in no mood to forgive the Republican ideologues in the House who are starving the state's most economically dynamic regions of their lifeblood -- decent roads and free-flowing traffic."

Washington Times: " Sens. Richard L. Saslaw and Janet D. Howell, both Fairfax Democrats, voted against the revised bill in committee. "It abandons Northern Virginia to an endless traffic jam," Mrs. Howell said..."

That's right, an "endless traffic jam" caused by right-wing Republican intransigence and rigid anti-taz ideology.  In 2007, the voters of Virginia need to remember - as they sit stewing in traffic - who did this to them.  And it wasn't Tim Kaine or the Democrats, that's for sure!


You know what? (phriendlyjaime - 5/24/2006 8:18:20 AM)
I am really getting to the point where I just may have to organize a protest of the Times Disgrace.  They are hands down the most disgusting, Republican controlled, crappy pice of smut around in Virginia.  I get better and more factual news from porno.

The Rtd seems to be practicing a finely-tuned (summercat - 5/24/2006 8:45:14 AM)
hypocrisy.  The Senate did the best it could.  I think the deal was pretty good politics--not what we wanted, but a good maneuver to put the ball for responsible fiscal behavior directly into the Republicans' court.  And I hope the Republicans get nailed bigtime if they don't pony up with agreement to a responsible plan.  And that does not mean their plan of acquiring huge debt.

Allen did this! (Josh - 5/24/2006 9:54:45 AM)
Never forget that the House went to these radical right-wing conservatives thanks to George Allen and ALEC.

Right-wing Conservatives across Virginia will hail this as triumph of the no-tax dogma, but it's really more of the same decaying roads and ignorant children ignorance of which George Allen is the standard bearer.

Right wing conservatism continues to fail America and Virginia.  A vote for any House Republican or George Allen is a vote for weaker nation.

You don't need to look any farther than this to see the disaster right-wing conservatism has been for us all.

I was worried (Nichole - 5/24/2006 10:24:05 AM)
I was worried that this might happen.
It makes so sense to me why anyone would not support a small tax increase in order to fund the needed transportation plans.
I bet if you are stuck in traffic in Northern Virginia, for hours that a 5 cent tax increase on gas would not bother you too much.

However, people when they are in their comfy chair at home relaxing on the weekend.... think the raise is a bad idea, because of their own pocketbook!