Let's all give HARRIS MILLER a big round of applause!

By: phriendlyjaime
Published On: 5/23/2006 9:29:10 PM

Harris Miller, your Robo Calls have proven to be a GREAT SUCCESS for Jim Webb and his campaign, and I want to personally thank you, kind sir!  What a great batch of free advertising for Jim Webb, Virginia's next Senator!!!!!

::Thunderous applause from the masses::

Richmond phone banking went EXTREMELY well this evening.  I never, and I repeat, NEVER, inundate the person on the other line with a bunch of negativity when I make phone calls for a candidate, and I have to say, the Democratic voters of Richmond are happy to hear such POSITIVITY coming from a young woman VOLUNTEERING for a DEMOCRATIC candidate!  Many, many people I called spoke vehemently of the "hate-filled" messages from Sue they were receiving on their machines day in and day out, and while they have all grown "EXTREMELY TIRED" of them, they HAVE (much to the Miller camp's chagrin) been doing their research on the two candidates mentioned in the call.  Well, imagine their surprise when they click on James Webb's website and they realize FOR THEMSELVES that they have been LIED to, and on their own answering machine!  We even got MORE VOLUNTEERS by simply making some phone calls!!!!

I have a funny feeling Sue did not garner any new volunteers. 

Folks, all I can say, is that if this primary goes as well as my two days of phonebanking have gone; well, I think we will all be very happy!  Virginians working for a better Virginia were bound to check their sources and research the candidates, and they have figured out who is the best man for the job; that man is James Webb.  Let's work hard these next few weeks, win this primary, and move on to the big fight.

And really, if you want to feel great about yourself, our party, Virginians, and James Webb, Virginia's next Senator, then get yourself over to a phone bank before this primary on June 13, 2006!  It's a great feeling to work for this FABULOUS candidate!

And believe me; Virginians will thank you profusely for your personal and honest call reminding them that Virginia deserves better.


And YES... (phriendlyjaime - 5/23/2006 9:30:36 PM)
I feel that this is a very POSITIVE statement. 

RE: Positivity (JPTERP - 5/23/2006 9:52:04 PM)
Great news!  Great work!

Great! (Nichole - 5/24/2006 10:17:33 AM)
I am looking forward to being there on Thursday!! We will show the voters that James Webb has a POSITIVE message, one that can change the state and the country!

Oh, look! (phriendlyjaime - 5/24/2006 4:32:01 PM)
A POSITIVE for those that think we are all a bunch of babies!!!

Let's hope he, I mean, those people, visit.  :)