Alice Marshall's Despicable "Anti-Semitism" Claim

By: Josh
Published On: 5/19/2006 3:36:01 PM

Let's call it political premature ejaculation. 

Since he joined the race for the US Senate, Harris Miller has been dreaming of a moment, a perfect moment for a perfect political maneuver.

In Harris Miller's dream, he has won the Democratic nomination and is running against George Allen for the US Senate.  Allen is reliably nationalistic, and therefore, there would inevitably come a time when Allen would insinuate that Harris Miller is unfit for the US Senate, because he's Jewish.  Would Allen use those words?  Maybe, maybe not.  It wouldn't matter.  As long as he could imply Anti-Semitism, Miller dreams, he would be able to use it as a club with which beat Allen in to submission and thus gain his rightful place in the US Senate.

Jim Webb isn't only George Allen's worst nightmare, he's also Harris Miller's.  Before Jim Webb got in to the Senate race, Harris Miller hoped and dreamed that he could use anti-Semitism against Allen.  Now, facing Jim Webb's local, statewide, and national upswell of support, it looks like Miller has gone and shot his wad.

Today, Alice Marshall has a nefarious, and miserable attack up on her blog, not against George Allen, but against Jim Webb.

Her headline reads:

Did Webb play the anti-Semitic card?

In her article, she claims to be able to read Jim Webb's mind and between the lines.  What does she find?  Harris Miller's wet dream.

While I cannot know, I think Webb knew precisely what he was doing. He cannot say "My opponent is Jewish" in the 21st century, so he has to find a way to remind those who would care. This was his way of doing it.

Unfortunately for her, Jim Webb's quote, that Harris Miller is the "Anti-Christ of Outsourcing", is a close paraphrase from an InfoWeek article by Paul McDougall from January 9, 2006.  You can read it [here].

  Harris Miller, aka the Antichrist if you're an unemployed IT worker, is gearing up for a Senate run as--a Democrat?

Alice Marshall's claim of anti-Semitism, is weak, pitiful, and despicable.  I personally demand a retraction and an apology and until she posts one, she will remain, in my eyes, a failure and a coward.

Jerry Kilgore used Hitler in his ads, and he lost.  Alice Marshall is one of a meager handful of Miller supporters in the Virginia blogosphere.  If Miller opened this line of attack through Alice Marshall, it is the last and least of a string of cowardly moves from Miller.  If she miraculously decided to invoke Harris Miller's dream strategy in this contested primary season, she is as clairvoyant as she is insipid.

Did Miller unleash his secret weapon too soon, or did Alice Marshall decide that since invoking Hitler worked so well for Kilgore, she'd invoke anti-Semitism for Miller?

A personal note to Alice Marshall:

Cowards lose, Alice.  Kilgore did, and you're not helping Harris Miller with this pitiful piece of cowardice one little bit.

[UPDATE by Lowell:  Alice needs to apologize for this smear. In addition, the FCDC needs to take action and stop condoning this behavior.  At the minimum, Alice should be banned from writing for FCDC's blog.  Today, Alice Marshall has gone way, WAY over the line into the realm of dsspicable, outrageous and completely unacceptable.  Oh, by the way, I was raised Jewish and Jim Webb is in no way, shape or form anti-Semitic.  How Jewish are you, Alice?]


What a joke. (phriendlyjaime - 5/19/2006 4:15:31 PM)
Alice, your train left the station.  You are incorrigible, wrong, a bad writer, and basically a BITCH.

Tom Joad (Kevin) (phriendlyjaime - 5/20/2006 10:25:34 AM)
I am sorry if I offended you by calling Alice Marshall a bitch.  But unfortunately, in the blogosphere and in America, I have the right to say it and type it if I feel it, and I do.  Now, personally, I don't think me calling Alice Marshall a BITCH warranted a troll rating; do I have to explain again that troll ratings are for REPUBLICANS WHO ARE TROLLING OUR BLOG AND DIARIES?  I mean, fine, if anyone wants to call it "unproductive" that I called a spade a spade, meaning I called Alice Marshall a BITCH, then great.  But a troll rating?  C'mon........

I certainly don't want to turn this into a battle; I think I have met you, and I am sure we got along well.  If not, then I am sure we would get along well.  In fact, I may even get along well with Alice Marshall.  But in this instance, I have decided for ME that her behavior and her recent behavior seems a little bitchy.  Again, feel free to rate the comment as unproductive if you need to, but I am not a troll; your rating is used in the wrong context.

You're not a troll.. (Tom Joad (Kevin) - 5/20/2006 11:37:38 AM)
I know that. I just felt the term was a little harsh and yes unproductive. This is the blogosphere and yes in America you have the right to say and feel it. But I also have the same right to rate that comment as "unproductive". I didn't give it a troll rating.

I can call George Allen an "asshole" and in America I have that right. But it's "unproductive" and doesn't add to the general discourse.

So, by all means, go ahead call her a "bitch" but I will still rate it "unproductive".

Tom Joad (Kevin) (thegools - 5/20/2006 12:44:26 PM)
Here. Here.  I certainly would encourage critiques, but with decency and dignity.

You are right, gools. (phriendlyjaime - 5/20/2006 4:50:38 PM)
A 4 for you as well!  :)  See below comment...

Ooooops. (phriendlyjaime - 5/20/2006 4:49:19 PM)
My bad, you did.

::crawls under rock::

Sorry, folks; I ranted and had the facts wrong, which definitely makes me seem like a Republican troll. :) And in retrospect, I do agree with you, Kevin.  Calling names does no good, in fact, it can harm and ruin a point instead.  Sometimes it is difficult to be the bigger person, and for me, this was definitely one of those times. 

So I give you a 4, an excellent rating, bc being part of the Democratic party, I will always admit when I am wrong, and in this case (though I am still not very fond of Alice Marshall and what she wrote) I was wrong.  Thanks!  :)

In all seriousness... (Tom Joad (Kevin) - 5/20/2006 11:59:01 PM)
you are one of my favorite posters here...keep up the good work.

Harris Miller, Antichrist (Josh - 5/19/2006 4:18:20 PM)
I've sat ringside while hundreds of my friends lost jobs in information technology.  Miller claims to have created jobs, but if you've watched tech jobs disappear in Virginia, the way I have it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the H1-B program is completely unnecessary, and that there are lots of Americans who would be happy to do IT work here if Harris Miller's policies hadn't made it possible for IT companies to pay workers in India and China a fraction the salary they had to pay here.

When you watch your industry go through an apocalypse, and you see the policies championed by one man as responsible, what else but Antichrist is there to call him?

When Miller (Arturo - 5/19/2006 5:20:50 PM)
talks about creating jobs, he is talking about manufacturing jobs.  Not the ones in factories where Americans used to make things (cars, clothes, computers), but jobs in hamburger joints.  That's what his activities as a corporate puta have come down to.  He is a disgrace to Democrats. Anticristo!

If Harris Miller had made this claim in person (Josh - 5/19/2006 4:20:27 PM)
He'd have been forced by every Democrat in the state to quit this race.

Miller is a coward; Webb is a hero (Lowell - 5/19/2006 4:22:42 PM)
Harris Miller disgracefully accuses Jim Webb of being a racist, a misogynist, and an anti-Semite.  In stark contrast, Jim Webb talks about his vision for a better America. 

Harris Miller tries to deny any responsibility for his past actions, like giving thousands of dollars to right-wing Republicans and strongly urging their re-election.  In stark contrast, Jim Webb accepts responsibility for his past mistakes, and makes amends (see Chuck Robb). 

Harris Miller constantly makes excuses and brags about how great he is, how much of a "visionary" and a "genius" he is, how he is responsible for all of Mark Warner's political successes, etc.  In stark contrast, Jim Webb does not NEED to make excuses or to brag, because he is a true American hero. 

So let me state this clearly and unequivocally: Harris Miller is a coward who has no honor.  That's right: a COWARD who has NO HONOR.  To paraphrase Paul Hackett: I said it  and I'm standing by it.

Now, when you consider who to vote for on June 13, just remember this: Harris Miller is all about lies, evasions, lame excuses, business-as-usual corruption and sleaziness, and cowardice.  Jim Webb is all about telling the truth, taking responsibility for his actions, fighting for a new way of doing business in Washington, and demonstrating courage not bragging about it!  Those are the two different patterns of leadership you'll get from Miller, on the one hand, and Webb on the other, if either becomes our next US Senator.  This choice is as clear as they come: Jim Webb is the better man in every possible way, shape and form. Harris Miller should go back to being a smarmy lobbyist where he belongs.

Cowardly is as Cowardly does. (Nichole - 5/19/2006 4:41:26 PM)
Now tell us what you REALLY think.
Seriously though, a line has been crossed.

An apology needs to be made.

Do those who support the Cowards become cowards themselves? Seems to be the case to me.

To the first 4 comments (Ben - 5/19/2006 4:39:20 PM)
I agree, I agree, I agree, I agree!

Damn (The Ditzy Democrats - 5/19/2006 4:39:21 PM)
So, she's taken down the post, but that doesn't really count. Even if you don't support Webb or are undecided (wait, is any blogger undecided?) there's no way that you can condone that kind of attack.

By the way, half of Team Ditzy Democrats is Jewish, and the other half had family members in Stalin's version of concentration camps in Siberia, along with many Russian Jews, and we find this kind of attack on someone like Jim Webb to be incredibly offensive.

Alice, you need to do more than take the post down. You need to admit publically that you've screwed up.

And the FCDC needs to take action (Lowell - 5/19/2006 4:49:15 PM)

Has Alice taken the article down? (Loudoun County Dem - 5/19/2006 4:39:55 PM)
The link doesn't work but the site is still up.

Anti-Semitism? Probably Not. Poor Judgment? Definitely! (K - 5/19/2006 4:41:50 PM)
I don't care if Webb was quoting one of the groups that endorsed him. There are words and phrases that just aren't used in political debates, or in campaign speeches, or on the floor of the Senate, and "antichrist" probably falls into that category of words with cultural baggage.

I think this probably reflects Webb's inexperience in politics. But that's an explanation -- not an excuse. If nothing else, today's debate shows Webb definitely needs some seasoning.

Seasoning? (Josh - 5/19/2006 4:54:07 PM)
Miller denied that he'd made contributions to Republicans.  He probably shouldn't have done that.

He also claimed that he had been forced by his employer to make campaign contributions; a federal elections crime.

Miller Lied alright (thegools - 5/19/2006 11:31:31 PM)
Go to the various political donor websites and it is there as clear as day.  Miller personally donated over and over to GOP Senators, congressmen, candidates and GOP PACs.  He has written and spoken in flowery language about them...also found on line.  As the head of the ITAA he was also the head man deciding who to donate funds to politically.  Most of that ITAA money went to GOP guys.

To claim it didn't happen is just stupid and yes a lie....I don't think he forgot about those thousands of dollars he donated.

He should come clean and not deny it.  It will and has begun to bite him back.

Miller helped direct/funnel money too (Info_Tech_Guy - 5/20/2006 10:58:06 AM)
Keep in mind that he helped pro-offshore outsourcing/worker replacement ITAA and WITSA member companies and wealthy execs/investors in their campaign contributions too.

Trying to claim that he can be a "good Democrat" while supporting people who work against democratic principles -- people who are anti-American worker is crap.

Miller has long been the "point man" for the offshore outsourcing lobby in both political arm twisting and financial contributions. His influence over the pols extends far beyond what he has personally donated. He helped put the pols in the pockets of the outsourcing/worker replacement lobby.

No one held a gun to Miller's head and forced him to advocate for postions completely at odds with real democratic values. He did this to make himself wealthy. Trying to claim that he acted "ethically" is complete nonsense. He appears not to have acted outside the law but we all know that there's a difference between ethical conduct and the letter of the law.

Desperate Time / Desperate Measures (David M - 5/19/2006 4:56:44 PM)
It's obvious that the entire Miller campaign is in disarray. Volunteers and paid staff at the recent Arlington Neighborhood Day Parade were cowed and embarrassed at their own low turnout and know they're headed for defeat on June 13th.

Now that Webb crushed Miller in the first debate they have become desperate.

Obviously Miller can't release this attack on his own, but his friends back at the Fairfax County Dems can always sneak it out for him, stooping to a new low in Virginia politics.

Your first instinct was so dead on that the original post is already down in reaction to your fierce defense of Jim Webb. For now, this desperate counter-attack has been fended off, more are sure to come.

It's good that Virginia has finally found a politician in Jim Webb who will stick to the high road and not wallow in the mud.

Someone Needs to FIRE Alice (Alicia - 5/19/2006 5:54:12 PM)
or at least suspend her for using her FCDC affiliations as a platform for hate and libel (isn't that the written form of slander?). 

Despicable (KathyinBlacksburg - 5/19/2006 6:02:18 PM)
Yep, despicable.  This is a new low in this race. Incidentally, I believe she did she did scrub the article.  Her website is

The only thing that surprises me is that Alice Marshall actually thinks Harris Miller is, as a practical matter,  anything more than a would-be placholder.

Marshall doesn't like how the facts represent Miller, so she gets ugly.  This has gotten disgusting.  They (Miller folks) are making it up as they go. 

Y'know, in a funny (Eric - 5/19/2006 6:06:22 PM)
sort of way this is a good sign.  No, I don't mean accusations of being anti-semitic are good, but that Miller's supporters are really reaching for anything.

Let's face it, if Alice had something solid on Webb from the debate she would have used it.  They've clearly lost the battle in the blogosphere and now, after a "debate" which yeilded no points for their guy (perhaps even negative points) they're very close to losing the battle outside of the great bit bucket (aka the internet).

So in desperation they're forced to search for meaning in every word and phrase, hoping beyond hope that something will come out to help Miller.  Sounds like Alice found a  word and twisted it into something that simply doesn't exist in the real world. 

Game Over is just around the corner.

Ooops - a quick mod... (Eric - 5/19/2006 6:10:47 PM)
to make sure there's no confusion - "simply doesn't exist in the real world" is a reference to the fact that Webb is not an anti-semite.  It does not mean that I think anti-semitism doesn't exist.

Yeah, suuuuure you don't... (Lowell - 5/19/2006 6:23:19 PM)

Unkosher baloney (Kindler - 5/19/2006 7:18:40 PM)
I'm also a Webb supporter who happens to be Jewish, and the last thing I need is someone concocting phony accusations of anti-Semitism in order to pander for my vote.  I don't agree that she has to be fired, but she should apologize, and the FCDC needs to clarify that she talks only for herself, not for them.

What? (TurnVirginiaBlue - 5/19/2006 9:36:13 PM)
Is Miller Jewish?

Who the hell knew that if he is?

I sure didn't and I know about Miller very well.

Maybe Harris will (Mark - 5/19/2006 11:30:33 PM)
just start frantically calling the chairs, as he has done 3 times with me. He is totally disinterested, and asks me if there is anything HE can do for ME. Wha...?

So, I expect at least one more call before June 13th.

Funny thing is, he never asks anything about coming to speak, asking me to be involved, or any of the normal stuff. No "Can I send you some information to pass out?". I had to beg to get some fliers and stickers so I could be non-partisan at community events.

If someone on my committee did this with even the slightest hint of the committee's complicity or agreement with them, they would be asked to not post anymore at the least. If that person was an officer, there might be other repercussions.

Anyone see the latest mailer?

My Post on GOTV (thegools - 5/20/2006 12:04:52 AM)
I posted this comment earlier today before Lowell etc. picked it up.  I posted it on the GOTV "anti-semite" blog and then posted it earlier on Raising Kaine, because Alice so frequequently censors comments and I thought she should be called out on it.  I post it here, because at first I thought I was being a bit harsh, but after reading everyone else's comments it now seems my comment is about the most polite one made. 

Here it is:

"With all due respect, (your post) reminds me of a GOTV 'blackhands' post...or perhaps like Bush's push poll citing John McCain's 'black child.'
A headline like that based on such spin is a giant stretch... based on nothing.

I respect your championing Miller, but please don't get so ugly." 


What does "anti-christ" have to do with being Jewish? (Info_Tech_Guy - 5/20/2006 10:46:36 AM)
The “anti-christ” = anti-semitism claim is ridiculous.

Throughout history, papal opponents and many in protestant denominations have regularly called the Pope, the “anti-christ”.  The use of this term is a regular fixture of Christian/Western religious and cultural discussion...

There’s nothing at all in the NT Book of Revelation/Book of the Apocalypse which says the “anti-christ” is Jewish. This was just a useful opportunity to slime Jim Webb. Someone should call Chuck S. about this directly if it is being put out by Miller, his campaign or his supporters.

Interstingly, NEOCONS used this tactic very successfully to tar more traditional conservatives, driving them from positions of influence. It’s interesting that Miller’s people are doing the same now...

I’ll comment on the “anti-christ” term as it has been used in reference to Miller. I'm in position to do so as an anti-outsourcing activist and a software engineer -- one of the people who has occassionally used the term "anti-christ" in the same breath as "Harris Miller". (I've also called Miller far worse things and I will do so again without regret or shame.)

American information technology workers and anti-outsourcing activists occassionally use this term, "anti-christ" in reference to Miller. It has nothing to do with the fact that Miller is Jewish — a fact which is completely irrelevant to the IT workers complaint.

It has to do with the view that Miller’s actions are evil and he is viewed as evil. "anti-christ" has long been used in reference to Miller before people ever learned that he was Jewish; it has to do with his being a long time pro-outsourcing and worker replacement lobbyist.

Now, Miller’s desperate supporters appear to have latched onto this comments as evidence of “anti-semitism”. How pathetic. I view this is yet another slimey attempt at character assassination.

If people don’t like the term, “anti-christ”, that’s fine but at least let’s understand where it’s coming from and not ascribe it to anti-semitism nor tolerate people who cry “wolf” and cheapen the meaning of racism. The recent revelations about Allen give us an example of real “racism”; phony accusations debase the meaning of the word.

So far as I can determine, the author of the Information Week piece noted previously wasn’t attacked as a racist/anti-semite for noting that some consider Miller the "anti-christ".

That's to be expected. As I said, "anti-christ" has nothing at all to do with being Jewish. It has to do with being viewed as evil.

So, those who repeat that this comment is a sign of "anti-semitism" are either slanderous opportunists, ignorant or a venemous mix of the two.

Exactly (Alicia - 5/20/2006 12:13:04 PM)
I call Bush the Anti-Christ all the time!!  A desperate stretch from a desperate campaign, which has nothing to offer but negativity.
I wish Miller would stop aiding Allen, and drop out.  Can someone please offer the slimeball a job?

COMMENT HIDDEN (KilgoreTrout - 5/20/2006 1:26:44 PM)

Now THAT my friends... (phriendlyjaime - 5/20/2006 5:00:31 PM)
is a troll!  Hey, we'll let you stay and post as much as you want KilgoreTrout, bc we are the party of inclusion.  BUT you're probably needed over at the ever diminishing, guest list dwindling, or maybe the freepers site.  You supported Kilgore?  REALLY?  I know DIE HARD Republicans that stayed home last November.  Their feelings?  A Democrat in office is better than a TERRIBLE REPUBLICAN (who has to hire people to do his voice-overs because...well, I don't need to explain WHY he did it to anyone; we all saw the commercials and the live debates...oh wait...nope, he didn't participate in those, sorry). 

Well, good luck to YOU as well, with Mr. "I vote along the lines with Bush 96% of the time" Allen.  I don't feel the need to address him as "Senator" since he has already moved on to try to become President (which will never ever ever ever ever ever ever do I need to go on happen).

COMMENT HIDDEN (KilgoreTrout - 5/20/2006 6:46:19 PM)