Virginia's House Republicans all voted against stem cell research (corrected)

By: Rob
Published On: 5/9/2006 5:33:44 PM

Last year, H.R. 810, or the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, passed the House with 93% of Democrats supporting the bill and 79% of Republicans opposing it.

Our Virginian Republicans can do better than that!  100% of them voted against the bill.

The ball has been stuck in the Senate's court for a year, as the Republican leadership refuses to bring the bill to the floor for a vote.  Given that stem cell research is widely popular, my question now is this: which GOP incumbent in Virginia will this "no" vote hurt the most?
[UPDATE: I was wrong, Tom Davis did not vote against this bill]


Tom Davis (Craig - 5/9/2006 7:08:04 PM)
He pretends to be a moderate, but opposing stem-cell research is right up there in Fundieland.  Davis' district is centrist enough that his constituents, many of them suburban supporters of stem-cell research, would be irritated.

Drake comes in second, but her fealty to oil-drilling might put this position in the shade, not to mention her neglect for the needs of the U.S. Navy.

Ok... (doctormatt06 - 5/9/2006 7:18:27 PM)
No offense, I don't like Tom Davis like the next guy here, in fact, I haven't liked the guy since 2001.  But I'm sad to say you're wrong on this, Davis is one of the bill's cosponsors and he voted Aye on him.  I even looked it up the other day, looking for things that he's voted against that would be found in our district to be stupid, and I was somewhat pleased to see that he at least supported stem cell research.  If you're gonna criticize him. Try criticizing him for working on 'steroids in baseball' while everything in our nation was crumbling around us.

Señor Fact-Checko signing out.

Even a clock is right twice a day (Greg Bouchillon - 5/11/2006 4:51:22 PM)
Tom Davis did one thing right, but it could be for any reason. Many of the Republicans I know who support stem cell research have had family members with Parkinsons, Alzheimers, or were really bothered by the death of Ronald Reagan.

I'm not saying Davis has any of these reasons, but it's plausable, considering the number of people suffereing from these diseases. Even Tom Davis couldn't overlook a family member to vote party line on something like this. It just changes the game.