7th District Turning Point

By: Nichole
Published On: 5/8/2006 10:04:27 PM

In the 7th District of Virginia, we are currently at a crossroads. We need your help to make sure that we have a viable candidate on the ballot against Eric Cantor in November.

The 7th District may select the option of not putting up a candidate to challenge Eric Cantor this November. 

Martin Dudziak is very fine candidate who has been featured on Raising Kaine before, and it is essential that he be given a chance to provide an alternative to Cantor!

The current candidate, Brad Blanton, has run against Cantor before. Two years ago, he received less then 25% of the vote. Blanton's views are quite different, in  my opinion, than the foundation of the Democratic Party.

The committee must choose either Blanton or no candidate. If no candidate is selected, this gives Martin a chance to be selected. Please help make this happen!

We can not let the Republicans think that the Democrats have decided to run and hide in the 7th District.
We must take a stand, we must show them that we will challenge them every step of the way. We will not give them free reign of the 7th District.

We must not concede.

Please take the time to contact the following individuals in the 7th district.

This extremely important decision will be made on May 13th in Henrico County.

Please contact the committee members listed below to let them know that no candidate should is simply not an option. Let them know that we should not run away from Cantor.

The 7th Congressional District Committee

Mrs. Marjorie Clark* - CD 7 Richmond -

Ms. Katherine Cook - CD 7 Orange  -

Ms. Robin Crane - CD 7 Richmond +óGé¼GÇ£

Celia Dabney +óGé¼GÇ£ CD 7 Richmond -

Ms. Abbi Easter* - CD 7 Richmond -

Howard Fabry - CD 7 Midlothian -

Mr. Thomas Francis - CD 7 Richmond -

Mr. Samuel Glasker - CD 7 Culpeper -

Mr. Henry Gorfein - CD 7 Washington -

Honorable Franklin Hall - CD 7 Richmond -

Ms. Patricia Hudson - CD 7 Richmond -

Dr. Manikoth Kurup - CD 7 Mineral -

Mr. Jim Leaman* - CD 7 Richmond -

Mr. Daniel Leblanc* - CD 7 Richmond -

Ms. Suzanne Long - CD 7 Leon -

Mr. Michael Mastropaolo - CD 7 Ruther Glen -

Ms. Gene Miles - CD 7 Richmond -

Ms. Mauritta Minor - CD 7 Bumpass -

Mr. Timothy Mitchell - CD 7 Richmond -

Mr. James Nachman - CD 7 Richmond -

Mr. Howard Ostergren - CD 7 Mechanicsville -

Ms. Lourdes Pogue - CD 7 Richmond -

Ms. Sue Schorling - CD 7 Beaverdam -

Ms. Carol Strickler - CD 7 Shenandoah -

Mr. David Tobey - CD 7 Shenandoah -

*Denotes members of the central committee who are also members of the
steering committee.

Please email me at nicholeherbig@gmail.com with questions or for the individual+óGé¼Gäós phone numbers.

Visit www.votemartin.org for more information on Martin Dudziak.


Thanks Nichole... (Dan - 5/8/2006 10:23:41 PM)
I will see if I can get this posted on the front page.  I will get some version of it onto Daily Kos tomorrow, and will link the article to this post.

VA 7 (benawu - 5/9/2006 3:35:57 AM)
Ok now I am confused. Do you mean that there are two options being considered - 1) Blanton 2)No endorsement.

How does no endorsement give Dudziak a chance?

AND why isn't someone screaming about VA 4 and 6. You guys are heading toward being the only state with more than one unopposed repub and one of 3 or 4 states with ANY unopposed repubs.

Explanation (Nichole - 5/9/2006 1:04:47 PM)
It is my understanding that if the select no candidate in the first vote, they then have a chance to pick a candidate before the primary date.

If anyone knows more details, let me know. Thanks!

Delegates will make the decision (Debby - 5/9/2006 7:32:49 AM)
It will not be the 20 or so members of the 7th District Committee who vote for "no candidate", it will be the delegates from all the localities who complete their applications to be a delegate and make the trip to Henrico on May 13th.  Each locality in the 7th has a specified number of delegates based on their voting patterns and population of Democrats that are eligible to attend.  As most districts, the 7th is very spread out and not all possible delegates will choose to attend.  They are the ones who will decide whether or not there is a candidate in the 7th this year.

After being in a district that ran a weak and unfunded candidate two years ago, I have mixed feelings about running someone just to have opposition.  It takes many thousands (in the case of Randy Forbes or Eric Cantor, who are popular in their districts, possibly a million) of dollars to run a competitive campaign.  If you are starting with NO name recognition, you have a huge uphill battle on your hands.  This is funding that is diverted from viable candidates in the state, and this is a huge time and energy committment for citizens in the district to work their butts off for that candidate. 

Granted, this is one of the most favorable years the Democrats have had for ages, but an embarrasing loss does nothing to elevate your cause, and in fact, may strengthen the incumbent.  Credible candidates like Phil Kellam and Judy Feder are real prizes.  The other districts (I'll speak for 7th and 4th) haven't been as fortunate to have people like this come forward to mount a very real challenge for awhile.  Mr. Dudziak could not gather 1000 signatures in the allotted time frame for him to be able to file and it's my understanding that he does not have financial backers lined up to even get started. 

Had to give my two cents worth on this sticky topic.

435 (benawu - 5/9/2006 8:07:25 AM)
It will not come as a great shock that I prefer quality candidates too. But i prefer ANY candidate to none. Why (assuming a dud)?

1) stops incumbent from donating to other races.
2) Improves turnout for up ticket races.
3) Ask Newt Gingrich he ran 3 times and lost and then voila.
4) Can be the start of a long term realignment in district eg NY1, NY2, NY4 in early 90's.
5) Dem Voters should have a dem to vote for.
6) Howard Dean thinks so too!!! LOL

Howard Dean has not been in Virginia! (Debby - 5/9/2006 8:18:09 AM)
Seriously, I know Dr. Dean's 50 state plan and I have no arguments against that goal!  Believe me, I'd LOVE to have someone I could be proud and energized to support against Randy Forbes.  But that person didn't present himself/herself to any of our district committee as an interested individual, and Howard hasn't been in Virginia beating the bushes for candidates. 

One other thing about putting up someone just to have a box to check...it doesn't take long before you're known as the party who keeps putting up losers.  The Party in this state needs to put more effort into candidate grooming and selection but I think they know this.  With the money involved, these people are few and far between.  Should it come down to the candidate with the most money?  Of course not.  Does it matter?  You betcha.  That's the system that has been created. 

Viriginia candidates in VA 4 and 6 (benawu - 5/9/2006 9:22:10 AM)
Agree entirely yes groom candidates yes make them competitive but you are not going to find them at this stage of the cycle. So stick anyone in. They are certianly not running to win but to build a platform for next time. Even if a candidate is only running to pin a rep down at home then that is enough reason.

Running a bare bones campaign is ok and relatively cheap. gotta be in it to win it. Seriously is the VA dem party soooo  different to every other state that they can justify leaving repubs unopposed when as of right now we have 42 states with a complete slate. By close of filing this will be at least 44.

Addendum to comment above (Debby - 5/9/2006 8:24:04 AM)
I meant to include that anyone who is a registered voter in the district can file to be a delegate.  You do NOT have to be a committee member.  Contact Tim Mitchell for Henrico (name on Nichole's list above) residents to ask where to get the delegate application.  It's possible that its been placed on their website www.henricodemocrats.org. Complete this application, pay the required filing fee (probably around $25 but its not always mandatory), and go to Deep Run High School on May 13th to the District Convention.  You will be able to vote on this matter if it arises.

In today's RTD (Debby - 5/9/2006 8:48:19 AM)
Here is an article about Brad Blanton, the one candidate in the 7th who was able to get the required number of signatures to file.

Senate hopeful tells the truth
Blanton, a therapist, reveals to Democrats his naked workshops

Can't connect through that link, (DemTilDeath - 5/9/2006 11:13:28 AM)
but I would agree that if Blanton is a therapist holding naked workshops, his candidacy would be a detriment to the party and to people above him on the ticket.  Very bad news indeed. 

Another link (KCinDC - 5/9/2006 11:53:22 PM)
Weird. The RTD story seems to have disappeared. Here's the Culpeper Star-Exponent's version.

Thanks Debby! (Nichole - 5/9/2006 1:03:44 PM)
Thanks for the link!

Correct (Nichole - 5/9/2006 9:52:54 AM)
The fee is $15.

Please if you live in the 7th district, please come out.
The convention is at Noon on Saturday, May 13th.

The application form is on the website Debby listed!

I'm confused (KCinDC - 5/9/2006 9:51:26 AM)
You say:

The committee must choose either Blanton or no candidate. If no candidate is selected, this gives Martin a chance to be selected. Please help make this happen!

Then you say:

Please contact the committee members listed below to let them know that no candidate should is simply not an option.

If you want them to vote for "no candidate", then why tell them no candidate is not an option?

Also, does anyone know of reasons why Dudziak might turn out to be an embarrassment to the party (other than being unable to get the signatures, which is a serious problem but different from, say, having a UFO-based platform)?

Clarification (Nichole - 5/9/2006 1:01:16 PM)
To explain...
If the delegates ultimately decide no candidate, that is not a good thing.

Sorry for the confusion :)

ARTICLE ABOUT THIS UP ON DAILY KOS!!! (Dan - 5/9/2006 11:12:36 AM)

Daily Kos article about Dudziak