Petty Tactics by Miller Staffers

By: Todd Smyth
Published On: 5/8/2006 9:57:13 AM

I went out to the Jefferson Jackson dinner in Fairfax yesterday to put up Jim Webb signs and once I was finished the paid Miller staffers showed up to cover up every single Webb sign, front and back.  I walked through and started pulling them out and one of the Miller people started whining that we are all on the same team.  I pointed out that if that were true they would space their signs out or put them next to the Webb signs.  They continued covering up the Webb signs and I continued pulling them out until they started spacing them further apart.

I was livid becuase I couldn't believe people who call themselves Democrats would do such a petty low-down thing.  The Kilgore campaign last year cheated like it was breathing and I thought only Republicans could be so stupid.


Screw it! (Josh - 5/8/2006 10:20:11 AM)
I've been trying to get Webb supporters to give Miller a break. 

The guy has lost this battle.  You can't fault him for trying.  He's done all the good stuff, shook every hand, attended every event.  He's done all the bad stuff, smear tactics, backstabbing, flat out lying to every member of the Democratic party from me up to Mark Warner. 

Still, with a true leader, legend, hero, scholar, statesman with Jim Webb in the race he never stood a chance.  This must be like facing your own mortality for Harris.  If you have nothing but ego ("Me Victorious") driving you, this must be like a soul-crushing misery.  The truth of character comes in times like these.  Do you make sacrifices for the party or do you scramble around for all you can get for yourself.

I think your experience finally answers where Harris Miller falls out on this.  I've been trying to get Webb supporters to take it easy on Harris Miller, but that's done.  Miller's out for number one, and he's proven himself to be a big steaming pile of number two.

Decency be damned, it's clobberin time.  Miller will get what he deserves.

That's ridiculous Josh (Ben - 5/8/2006 1:21:29 PM)
Decency be damned because his staff covered up some signs?

Decency... ok (Josh - 5/8/2006 3:24:26 PM)
Remain within ethical bounds, but don't let up on the guy in hopes that a.  he'll quit before the primary (he won't), or b. the Webb campaign is taking the high road so we should too.  Raising Kaine did a couple of things very well in the Kaine campaign.  Chief among them was opposition research.  Raising Kaine should absolutely keep the pressure on Miller, never let up, never surrender.  It'll just keep us sharp for the battle with Allen.  That will require everything we've got.

If there were punches to pull, Miller telegraphed his determination to take those hits long ago.  We're not going to go putting up nasty pics of Miller wetting his pants or anything like that.  Nevertheless, there are huge veins of story that remain untapped here:  How deep was Harris Millers involvement in busting Caesar Chaves UFW Union?  How many High Tech workers have really lost their jobs thanks to outsourcing?  How easy is it for Harris Miller to lose his cool when confronted in public?  How many of Harris Miller's supposed Democratic Bone Fides can be questioned in light of his ITAA involvements and donations to Republicans? On and on...

Decency doesn't end just because the fight goes on.  Still, I have no interest in rolling over to accomodate Harris Miller's 2009 bid for Lt. Governor.

Nice Try (Ben - 5/8/2006 4:26:06 PM)
But there is no good way to explain "Decency be Damned". 

When you're right, your're right (Josh - 5/8/2006 8:49:37 PM)
Decency is all we have.  It's the best thing about Jim Webb and we don't do anyone any favors by ignoring the fact that integrity matters.

Jim Webb is the best candidate in the country, when he defeats George Allen it will be a sea change for American politics and the harbinger of a new kind of politics.  Sitting here at the beginning of an Enduring Progressive Majority in the Senate and in America the last thing we can afford to abdicate is decency.

When I'm wrong, I admit it, and in this case I was just plain wrong.

Of course, I'm also proud to proclaim the fact when I'm just plain right.  As an early supporter of Jim Webb for Senate, I may never have been more right about anything in my life.

This will be my last attack on Harris Miller (DanG - 5/9/2006 1:47:15 AM)
I wouldn't vote for Harris Miller for Dog Catcher, let alone Lt. Governor.

Now that I've got that out, Ben and Josh are right.  Let's let this primary run it's course and finish itself.  If we do that, I'm pretty sure Jim Webb will win.

Miller is nasty (Info_Tech_Guy - 5/8/2006 10:43:48 AM)
Miller is the sort of guy who says to outsourced IT workers, "here to tell your SOB story again, huh?" No kidding. This is the crap that his ITAA lobby "associates" say to IT workers testifying before Congress about offshore outsourcing and worker replacement. This is the sort of vile person Miller is. Miller has spent his life lying about "labor shortages" for the benefit of rich elites; how is he a democrat? What principles other than self-enrichment has Miller ever stood for? He is a vain and self-important man who has annointed himself a "technology leader" for having helped advance the interests of wealth investors and corporate management. We shouldn't expect anything except the most unscrupulous conduct from Miller or the people who support him.

Petty Miller Tactics (KathyinBlacksburg - 5/8/2006 10:49:08 AM)
These Miller supporters are no different than the Republican poll workers who try to cover up our (Democratic) signs on election day.  It's so childish and pathetic.  And it's one more way Miller and his folks appear to be running in the wrong party.

I am still pretty darn steamed at the BS they spread as soon as they learned Webb was thinking about running.  And they don't back off from this disinfo.  Reminds me of those running the US government.  If the Miller crowd wants to pitch the line that we are all in this together, then why have then worked against unity from the get-go.

Besides, a little tension may be a good thing.  The last thing we need is another milktoast race.  And it may make our side better prepared and stronger in the long run.

It was paid staffers doing that? (DemTilDeath - 5/8/2006 11:06:31 AM)
It was Miller's paid staffers pulling that crap?  Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, and Mark Warner should all be told about this.  Get on the phone with them and email them too. 

Miller... you're done.

That's like a kid (Adam Malle - 5/8/2006 12:07:03 PM)
Running and telling his mommy because his little brother splashed water on him.  Reid, Schumer, and Warner are all smart people and we'll figure out the right person without regard to who covered up whose signs at the JJ dinner.

Visit Schumer's blog and let him know how you feel . . . (JC - 5/8/2006 11:44:57 AM)

Come on, please (Adam Malle - 5/8/2006 12:03:24 PM)
The Miller hate fest has finally wore me the hell out.  Just a few months ago I was so energized by the Webb campaign and RK’s positive enthusiasm that I searched for even the smallest ways to get involved.  But now, I can hardly read the posts here at RK without getting pissed off at the direction Webb’s volunteers have taken.  Heck, I can’t even bring myself to post regularly as I once did here. It appears as though we’re taking on the Republican tactic of slamming opponents with petty attacks and utterly pointless personal jabs.  We didn’t even treat Kilgore with this kind of malice.  I think we can all agree that Kilgore makes Miller look like a saint in comparison.  So what if some idiot covered up some webb signs.  I’m sure that sometime in the future there will be some idiot Webb supporter somewhere that thinks it’s funny and fun to rip down Miller or Allen signs. That kind of ignorance is not party specific. RK is the reason why I switched from independent to Democrat because it showed the promise of the party; now, the same people that drew me into the party are reminding me of why, as an independent, I despise both parties and the two-party system in general. 

I have gotten to the point that I’m ready to quit posting comments at RK until after the primary. I’ve even found myself searching other blogs more and more simply to avoid the attacks on Miller here. How arrogant does one have to be to say Miller should bow out and support Webb while attacking him at the same time.  What reason exactly have we given Miller to support Webb in anything. Do you think we can actually attack him until he gives in. It is extremely discouraging to read all of this negative crap from the volunteers of such an awesome positive candidate; who by the way, is not lowered himself to the level of petty attacks.  especially for people as intelligent as Lowell and Todd. Mr. Webb is too good a candidate and has such huge promise for the party direction that these types of attacks serve only to discourage and divide and only work against the very person we are trying to support.

RK needs to quit preaching against politics as usual until he quit using the tactics that you are supposedly against.  Catch you later!

So Should Hide Nasty Tactics? (Alicia - 5/8/2006 12:09:04 PM)
If the Webb volunteers did this, do you think the Miller fan would not mention it?

It is unacceptable for volunteers, or in this case, paid staffers to play dirty.  And if they do so, hiding it only endorses it.  I for one, do not endorse this type of petty crap from either side.  I just happen to support Webb.

If Webb people were doing it I would feel the same way.  And Miller staffers are obviously ignoring Senator Schumer.

There ain't no dirty tricks (Josh - 5/8/2006 12:14:58 PM)
There's only tricks of the trade.

Politics is a full contact sport.  We're not going to beat George Allen by whining.  We're going to be George Allen by being a stronger organization (which we don't have) and by having the stronger candidate (which we do).

So let's get dirty then n/t (Alicia - 5/8/2006 12:16:47 PM)

(As in full contact sport) n/t (Alicia - 5/8/2006 12:17:20 PM)

I agree. Politics ain't tiddlywinks. (Lowell - 5/8/2006 12:28:31 PM)
It's rough, nasty, and always has been.  In this campaign, however, it's pretty obvious where most of the nastiness has been emanating from.  Hint: it's not coming from the Webb campaign (and, I would argue, the pro-Webb bloggers have overwhelmingly been citing FACTS about Miller's record and behavior, NOT going ad hominem).  For a bit of perspective on nastiness and politics, see Mudslingers: The Top 25 Negative Political Campaigns of All Time by Kerwin C. Swint.  Also, keep in mind that George Allen has assembled a team of professional political hit men (and women), including Scott "Hitler Ad" Howell.  This is only going to get nastier after Webb wins the primary, and we all know it.

It's not calling this person out that is the issue. (Adam Malle - 5/8/2006 12:38:59 PM)
It is the title "Petty Miller Tactics" blaming Miller's campaign, that aggravates the crap out of me.  I can't prove it, but I would be willing to bet that Miller did not take that paid staffer aside and say "you know what we should do, cover-up Webbs signs at the JJ dinner."  If a grocery store clerk goes off on a customer does that necessarily mean the store condoned such behavior.  I think not.  This idiot was most certainly pulling stunt on his own accord and without the campaign's knowledge.  And also, just because there isn't a public statement on the matter does not necessarily mean that the Miller people didn't take this guy aside after they found out (if they even know about it) and explain to him what he is allowed and not allowed to do while representing Miller. To blame the Miller campaign at this point is pure speculation.

My Goodness!  I have been driven to the point of defending the Miller campaign.  This is nuts.

I feel your pain (Vivian J. Paige - 5/8/2006 12:50:07 PM)
And feel in the same position as you do. Yes, politics is a contact sport. Having been through a bruising campaign I can certainly attest to it. But it was BECAUSE I went thru that campaign that I don't appreciate the attacks on Miller.

Vivian, me too!!! (Ben - 5/8/2006 1:22:58 PM)

But if "a grocery store clerk goes off on a customer"... (Loudoun County Dem - 5/8/2006 12:53:03 PM)
... The store management will (or should) make amends with the customer and publically distance the store from the behavior, because the clerk/paid campaign worker is recognized as a representative of the organization. While the campaign/store is not the offending party they are culpable unless the officially repudiate the behavior.

Tolerance of misbehavior is the same as condoning it.

This applies equally to all candidates, I would be disappointed if any candidate I supported allowed "muddy" tactics.

While this particular offense was minor and childish it can lead to more egregious offenses.

You are right (Adam Malle - 5/8/2006 1:13:14 PM)
The clerk/campaigner is a representative of the campaign/store.  A store owner would not make a public statement on such an issue unless it was some kind of egregious offense or assault on a customer.  He would however, reprimand or fire the employee depending on the severity of the situation.  something as petty as covering up signs, does not warrant a public statement; but rather, it is a situation where Miller needs to sit down with his people and explain to them (probably again) what is allowed and not allowed in his campaign as well as give some sort of reprimand or completely remove those that are responsible for the act.  But, a public statement is not necessary in this case.

AMEN ADAM!!!! (Ben - 5/8/2006 1:22:30 PM)

Maybe Title Change Then (Alicia - 5/8/2006 2:03:25 PM)
If that would help create peace amongst the Dems here, maybe the title should be changed to reflect not Miller, but Miller Staffers...

The one thing we should not let happen, is for the primary to fracture the Dems.  That's how we lose.

It's not a matter of (Adam Malle - 5/8/2006 3:42:19 PM)
Changing a title or two whenever somebody raises a fuss(in this case me). Changing a title will not fix the problem.  What needs to be done is to follow the example and style of Jim Webb's campaign.  We are his volunteers and we are his supporters, we should act like it and support his campaign's position which has been to not use divisive attack politics (the same position employed by Warner/Kane and represented at raisingKaine.  We do not need to change a title need to change the direction to that which Webb's campaign is going if we are truly his supporters.

Miller is evil. It's that simple. (Info_Tech_Guy - 5/8/2006 3:11:13 PM)
I don't care what political label Harris Miller attaches to himself. He wins no sympathy, respect or cease-fire because he's running as a Democrat.

The fact of the matter is that there are people around the United States who believe that Harris Miller is a thoroughly vile human being who has advanced the most politically and socially destructive policies under cover of lies.

You may disagree with all the "negativity" about Miller but be aware that he has led a war against working Americans. The people that Miller has attacked see no reason to allow him to continue his pretence that he's a good Democrat.

You may be fortunate not to feel the effects of Miller's pro-outsourcing lobbying work but millions of others have.

There is a body of critical opinion which regularly exposes the destruction that offshore outsourcing and worker replacement has done to our national economy and to American society. Miller is closely linked to all of this.

For my part, I think that it would be well to accept the fact that as great a candidate as Jim Webb truly is, Harris Miller is so deficient a candidate as to make the label "Democrat" a mockery to people who seek honest leadership to oppose Republican policies.

From my vantage point, the best possible world for the outsourcing lobby is to see Virginians choose between Harris Miller and George Allen in the general election. Either way, real democrats and working Americans would lose.

Kilgore was a lot worse (Adam Malle - 5/8/2006 3:56:14 PM)
But somehow we were able to beat his ass at every point without the attacks. I'm not asking for your sympathy, respect or even a cease-fire.  Nasty divisive attacks are the Republicans expertise.  Positive and forward-looking campaigns are our territory.  And we have a lot more to offer.  Debunking the attacks, presenting past indiscretions of an opponent, and defending our candidate with his agenda (easy to do) without pointless attacks is the proven way to win elections in Virginia.  Let himself has successfully debunked to attacks by Miller and taking the upper hand on the issue without raising a single attack.  Miller may not be the best candidate or in some views the best person; but, there's too much at stake to gamble with painting someone as bad rather than using the proven strategy of presenting our side as the sensible direction. If we do our job as volunteers and supporters and Webb's campaign does its job defending itself and countering with its positive agenda then Miller and Allen will not need us to make them look bad, they would do it themselves.

We're saying the same thing (Josh - 5/8/2006 4:07:59 PM)
The point is, there's no reason, absolutely no reason to stop questioning Harris Miller or holding him accountable for his egregious faults.

You are correct (Adam Malle - 5/8/2006 4:21:41 PM)
Defend ourselves with our agenda.  Question our opponent.  Countering our opponent.  But leave the attacking to the Republicans.

Miller is a Republican (TurnVirginiaBlue - 5/8/2006 12:19:23 PM)
He just spews out what his marketing people think will go over as a campaign slogan.  It's not surprising his paid staffers
do every rotten trick in the book.

The guy has devoted his life to dirty tricks.  Think about many people are gonna sell their soul to be a lobbyist for corporations that wish to screw the American worker out of their careers?

Labels are just labels (Rebecca - 5/8/2006 12:26:32 PM)
Just because you say you're a Democrat doesn't make it so. We need to make a distinction between Democrat as in Democratic Party and democrat as in one who believes in democracy. We hope Democrats believe in democracy, but this doesn't already hold true. Democrat is just a label.

No Rebecca we do not need to become Republicans (Adam Malle - 5/8/2006 1:44:57 PM)
Republicans are the ones that make distinction between who is good/allowed and who's bad/not allowed in their party.  It is the Democrats that is the party for everyone else; that includes people who do not completely agree with the platform.  I believe in democracy, and I believe in the direction of the Democratic Party.  I do not however agree on every single point of their platform and I suspect that you would be hard-pressed to find anyone that does, even the most stringent, partyline Democrat.  Good government is the best government no matter the party affiliation.  There are Republicans (though few and far between) that I support, or at the very least do not feel compelled to work against, because they do an excellent job and truly have the interest of the people guiding them (ex. John Warner).  As well there are Democrats that I disagree with and would not be saddened if they were replaced (ex.  John Kerry). My vote and support of him in 2004 was a vote against Bush and not necessarily a vote for Kerry.

Our party is the party for everyone who feels compelled to support it for even the smallest of reasons/issues.

Presume Miller innocent. (thegools - 5/8/2006 12:38:41 PM)
Though it's dirty, you can't blame Miller for the acts of his "volunteers" unless there is evidence he knew directed it, knew about it and did nothing.

We must presume innocence first. I will. We are Americans above all else.

Agreed (DanG - 5/8/2006 12:54:19 PM)
This isn't Miller's fault unless he gave the order.  Right now, I'm just assuming it was a bunch of immature staffers.

lol (Adam Malle - 5/8/2006 12:47:52 PM)
Do you all have short-term memory loss or something.  Do not remember Tim Kane's campaign?  Mark Warner's campaign?  Both a strong positive campaigns without the nasty attacks.  Those campaigns proved that positive politics works.  For that matter, RK even build its Webb base of volunteers on the positive for looking campaign strategy employed by Warner and Kane.  But I guess if you want to use Jerry Kilgore's attack with no remorse strategy they prepare to lose the campaign.  Just go ahead and  Start running the Confederate flag and noose attack ads on Allan now so we can go ahead and get it over with.

And Lowell, it's not a matter of presenting facts it's a matter of attacking, calling names, and trouncing his endorsers.  Facts can easily be presented for people to draw their own conclusions without making attacks out of them. As I said there are too many good things about when it to waste time making Miller look bad.  It will serve everyone a lot better to make Web look really good instead.  And it is fairly easy to do I might add, because you bring so much to the table.

Sorry, my voice program screwed up the lot of words (Adam Malle - 5/8/2006 1:23:52 PM)
Allow me to revise:

Do you all have short-term memory loss or something.  Do you not remember Tim Kaine's campaign?  Mark Warner's campaign?  Both were strong positive campaigns without the nasty attacks.  Those campaigns proved that positive politics works.  For that matter, RK even built its Webb base of volunteers on the positive forward looking campaign strategy employed by Warner and Kaine.  But I guess if you want to use Jerry Kilgore's attack with no remorse strategy than prepare to lose the race (Republicans are a lot better at it then we are).  Just go ahead and  Start running the Confederate flag and noose attack ads on Allan now so we can go ahead and get it over with.

And Lowell, it's not a matter of presenting facts it's a matter of attacking, calling names, and trouncing his endorsers.  Facts can easily be presented for people to draw their own conclusions without making attacks out of them. As I said there are too many good things about Webb to waste time making Miller look bad.  It will serve everyone a lot better to make Web look really good instead.  And it is fairly easy to do I might add, because he bring so much to the table.

RK is not the Webb Campaign! (JC - 5/8/2006 1:38:36 PM)
Remember folks, RK is many great things, but it is not the Webb Campaign.

The commentators on RK are free to express their opinion, but don't attribute their opinions to the Webb campaign.

Just to note (Adam Malle - 5/8/2006 1:58:09 PM)
I have made a point to distinguish my opinions of RK's posts and the Webb campaign "style."

As previously commented by someone (I could not find it) the volunteer base, that includes RK, should emulate the campaign style and tactics of the campaign being supported.  Otherwise we're just working against the campaign's chosen strategy.  Allow Webb's team to design the strategy; it is our obligation as his supporters to trust his judgment and allow him to guide our direction.

That was me... (Josh - 5/8/2006 2:08:06 PM)
In this diary:

I stand by that, but that doesn't mean we stop fighting.

There's clearly a way to call Miller on the carpet for every shot he throws below the belt.  There's also clearly a way to remain critical of Miller's history and positions in a factual and even passionate way without being nasty.

Miller will not let up, and every bit of learning we do combating his tactics will only make us stronger when the real fight against GeorgeBushAllen begins in June.

Not attacking does not equal not fighting (Adam Malle - 5/8/2006 4:07:35 PM)
As you said there is a clear way, a proven way, to defend from and counter attacks.  I may be wrong but it seems that sense Web soundly beat back Miller's attacks on a stance on women in the military and affirmative action that Miller has all but stopped attacking and is focused on Allen.  His attacks only served to embarrass himself.  As will Allen's attacks assuming Webb continues his current strategy. Webb has set a course for his campaign and we should be on that course every step of the way.

Agreed (Josh - 5/8/2006 4:09:51 PM)
We're going to take this to Miller with Webb's tone in tact.  Miller won't get away with anything, but neither will we make it possible for either Miller or Allen's people to make us out to be anything but reasoned, passionate, and right.