A Letter to the Miller Campaign

By: DanG
Published On: 5/5/2006 7:12:31 PM

Just read a post about the Democratic Primary on Not Larry Sabato, and you can easily figure it out.  Sure, you+óGé¼Gäóll see one or two Democratic Miller supporters, but they are no where near the most vocal.  The most vocal criticizers of Webb, and supporters of Harris Miller, are Republicans. 

Wait, what?  That doesn+óGé¼Gäót make sense!

But it+óGé¼Gäós true.  Outside of Alice Marshall, there are no greater supporters of Harris Miller than George Allen fans.  Why is this?  Well, there are two options here:

A) These Allen fans really do support Harris Miller
B) They believe Miller would be a weaker candidate than Jim Webb.

For some reason, I have trouble believing that option A is the real answer.  In fact, now that Harry Reid has decided that the Democrats are going to put up a fight in Virginia, and with all the rumors flying around about Allen and his family, as well as questioning how deep his +óGé¼+ôConfederate Connection+óGé¼-¥ goes, this race is looking more and more competitive every day.

Where does Harris Miller stand in this?  Right in the middle, I+óGé¼Gäóm afraid.  The election has already become +óGé¼+ôWebb versus Allen+óGé¼-¥, because Jim Webb is the only one who can win.  We know this, and the Republicans know this.  All too well.  That is why there are many movements by Republicans to get out the vote for Harris Miller.  They know that if they can keep Jim Webb out of the race this fall, George Allen faces easy re-election, and a pretty good chance at the Republican Presidential nomination in 2008.  Better yet for them, if Harris Miller loses badly, Virginia looks like less of a battleground state in 2008, making Mark Warner+óGé¼Gäós chances of nabbing that top spot weaker.  That in itself, to me, seems to be by far the worst possibility of a strong Allen win, as this country needs the responsible leadership of Mark Warner in the White House, and the best way to kick him off to a good start in 2008 is by having him help us beat a GOP contender this fall.  Harris, no matter how much he tries, just can't do that.

Now look, I+óGé¼Gäóve been a major advocate of Harris Miller staying in the campaign.  I thought Webb needed the practice.  But some of the stuff I+óGé¼Gäóve read on Republican blogs has changed my mind.  If Harris is simply going to be a tool of Allen supporters, then I+óGé¼Gäóm not buying the +óGé¼+ôprimary is good for everybody+óGé¼-¥ position. 

So I have written a letter to the Miller Campaign.  Feel free to sign for yourself below and offer comments. 

"To Mr. Harris Miller and his Campaign Staff,

We, the undersigned, in no way doubt Harris Miller+óGé¼Gäós devotion to the party or to the causes it stands for.  However, we have become worried over what the campaign has become.  Many Republican bloggers have been creating +óGé¼+ôget out the vote+óGé¼-¥ programs in an attempt to have Republicans vote for the Miller Campaign.  If we believed that this was an honest attempt by Republicans to select who they preferred, we would not protest.  However, it+óGé¼Gäós easy to tell, merely be reading between the lines, that these are attempts to halt the campaign of Jim Webb, your opponent, whom they believe to be more dangerous to George Allen+óGé¼Gäós campaign.  Jim Webb has shown massive strength on his cross-state tour, drawing impressive crowds in Gate City, Charlottesville, Roanoke, Richmond, and Norfolk.  And his 300-supporter-strong rally in Arlington is unheard of in a contested primary.  Word of Senator Harry Reid, the highest ranking Democrat in the Senate, supporting Jim Webb seems to indicate that not only is the National Leadership behind Webb, but seems to indicate the Democrats are willing to make this Virginia Race a priority for them if Jim Webb is our nominee.  Jim Webb proved with his Announcement Tour that he has the support among the people, and his recent Endorsements prove he has the backing of major Party Leaders.  In order to prevent Republican manipulation of this primary, and in order to beat George Allen this November, we ask the Miller Campaign to withdraw from the Democratic Primary to represent Virginia in the United States Senate.  When Republicans are using this primary as a tool to for their own benefit, we know this has gone too far.  For the Party, and more importantly for Commonwealth and Country, we ask Harris Miller to withdraw from the Democratic Primary and endorse Jim Webb for Senate.  Hopefully, we can all leave this primary with egos intact, and work together to help rescue Virginia from the likes of George Allen."


Hey... (phriendlyjaime - 5/5/2006 7:40:31 PM)
Can I use this in my diary on Kos?  I'd like to add it as an updat; this is a GREAT diary!!!!!

If not, that's cool, just checking.

Absolutely (DanG - 5/5/2006 7:42:23 PM)
Show your support.  I think I'm going to send this link the Miller Campaign.  We need them to at least know where we stand.

Thanks, Dan!!! n/t (phriendlyjaime - 5/5/2006 7:45:26 PM)

OH... (phriendlyjaime - 5/5/2006 7:44:41 PM)
and yes, I totally agree.  Mr. Miller?  I am sorry, you seem nice enough and smart enough, but I really would like to win at this point; PLUS...if Allen were to leave to be President (God Forbid) I don't trust a state run by Allen that has Tom DeLay, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and other neo-cons as residents...who knows who could end up taking his place?

Jaime Petrasek
Richmond VA

Seriously (phriendlyjaime - 5/5/2006 8:01:02 PM)
that is an AWESOME letter, Dan.  Let's get some sigs and send it on out of here.

To be a tool of the Republican Party is as bad, if not worse, as being a Republican.

Mr. Miller do the right thing. (thegools - 5/6/2006 11:48:59 PM)
Dear Mr. Miller,
  Please bow out now.  Preserve your dignity and the good will of the democratic activists.  We need you out of the running and helping Jim Webb and the Democrats to take back the Virginia Senate seat.

Just do it, people will love you for it.