Get a Job...

By: Info_Tech_Guy
Published On: 5/4/2006 3:04:54 PM

Cross-posted from The Modern Patriot []

It seems that my continued criticism of Harris Miller the longtime head of the pro-offshore outsourcing and anti-American worker ITAA business lobby has irritated at least one individual. (I'm sure that there are others but that's the nature of politics and free speech.)
I was tremendously amused upon receipt of an email entitled, "Please quit bitching and get a job". Whatever hopes I had that the email would include something more than the usual pro-outsourcing whine quickly disappeared upon reading the following:

"If you keep blmaing Miller for your problems you are not going anywhere. Why do we want inexperienced unqualified workers in positions here in this country."

I think that regular readers of my postings here on The Modern Patriot and at other blogs will readily understand that I am indeed "going somewhere". I am attacking Harris Miller's pretensions that he is a real democrat. I am pointing out that Harris Miller is, in fact, very much like the most extreme Republican proponents of offshore outsourcing and worker replacement programs. And, I have provided evidence that Harris Miller has taken positions at odds with the best interests of middle class American white collar workers (union and non-union).

Now, it's true that if I spent more of my time related to paying business projects, I could increase my personal income but this would, of course, reduce the amount of time I spent discussing Harris Miller's involvement with the offshore outsourcing and "insourcing" replacement of American workers. I'm quite pleased with the present arrangement and intend to continue discussing Mr. Miller's past in excruciating detail.

I'm not quite certain what my irate critic meant about "want[ing] unqualified workers in positions here in this country." I would guess that he/she is arguing the Miller lie that American business faces "desperate shortages" of "skilled labor" which can only be alleviated by the entrance of additional (low wage) foreign workers. Even a cursory reading of my postings should indicate that such a position is completely at odds with the view I present of a business sector pre-occupied with labor arbitrage -- American worker replacement programs. I believe that the wider facts support my view.


Your Truth (Alicia - 5/4/2006 5:02:13 PM)
is needed.  Thanks for what you do and keep fighting the good fight for us!

Gee. (Kathy Gerber - 5/5/2006 12:23:27 AM)
I wonder where the emailer thinks you should go?

We are winning... (Info_Tech_Guy - 5/5/2006 3:40:30 PM)
Harris Miller and his supporters give every indication they are running away from the worker replacement/offshore outsourcing issue. I think that our relentless questioning and revelations are proving effective. The 50 million dollars Miller has accumulated from betraying American workers isn't going to help this insider lobbyist as word  of his activities spreads.

He was a conceited fool to imagine otherwise.

And we've only just begun. (Kathy Gerber - 5/5/2006 9:23:32 PM)
I know that isn't true for you, but we are just getting started getting the word out.  There really isn't any defense.