Extending Bush Tax Cuts: "Great Idea" (Miller) or "Completely Detached from Reality" (Conrad)?

By: Lowell
Published On: 5/3/2006 7:26:02 AM

In February on WTOP radio, in response to a question about making the Bush tax cuts permanent, Harris Miller said "I love the idea...I think it's a great idea." Well, I guess Mr. Miller must certainly be very happy today, now that "Bush, Hill Republicans Agree To Extend Expiring Tax Cuts."  Check this out:

President Bush and congressional Republicans agreed yesterday on a $70 billion package of tax-cut extensions that they hope will help halt the deterioration of their political fortunes.

...the compromise is sure to spark a new round of recriminations from Democrats, who say the Republican Party continues to favor wealthy investors over lower- and middle-income workers, without regard to a budget deficit that is expected to reach $370 billion this year.


The final package is likely to be unpopular with most Democrats because the vast majority of the direct benefits will go to wealthy investors and businesses.

Yeah, unpopular with Democrat.  Except for Harris Miller, that is.  Miller, apparently, thinks it's a "great idea" to extend these tax cuts for the richest Americans in a time of war and massive budget deficit.  Ugh.  With "Democrats" like that, who needs Republicans?

Let's give Sen. Kent Conrad (N.D.), ranking Democrat on the Senate Budget Committee the last word here.  Referring to the Bush-House Republican tax extension agreement Conrad comments, "You talk about completely detached from reality, that's this place."

Yep, that pretty much sums it up.  Thank you, Senator Conrad.  Are you listening, Harris Miller?


Still shocked MIller said that (Craig - 5/3/2006 2:24:25 PM)
I mean really, no Democrat worth his salt is in favor of those giveaways to the rich.  Hell, I'm not normally one for litmus tests, but when every Democrat from Dennis Kucinich to Gene Taylor thinks Bush's tax plan is a bad idea, that's usually a pretty good indication that it's practically a requirement for being a Democrat.

Miller (KathyinBlacksburg - 5/3/2006 3:14:32 PM)
It just gets better and better.  No wonder all that's left for Miller is to mislead concerning Webb's record.  Personally, I am pretty miffed.  (Disclaimer: I confess that I too fell for the false accusation that Webb wasn't a "real" Democrat.)  Not only did one of Miller's political cronies (and a blogger) from NOVA mislead me early on, but also I've received a recent so-called poll asking if I'd still vote for Webb is I knew this, this, and that.  Of course, the list of things the caller asked was complete disinformation and I actually argued back with the person asking the questions with couter information, saying there's not a chance in hell I'd vote for anyone but Webb.  So, I have a really low threshhold for further BS from these folks.  This is especially true given that Millers' position on the war is barely distinguishable from Bush's.  Miller was a state leader of the cowardly weenies before the war.  Guys like him led us to the 2004 election debacle because they just don't get it.  Credibility matters.  And now, you'd think the whole sorry saga of Bush disinformation on Iraq had never happened for Miller.  Is he asleep?  I am pretty sick of Miller's pretense at the high ground.  And when voters know the facts, they'll know who not only will win against Allen, but who will best represent Democrats and all Virginians.  And it's not Harris Miller.  To sum up: He's more in line with Bush than the Democrats on Iraq.  He promotes offshoring of our jobs.  He has actively opposed an auditable paper trail.  He wants to extend the Bush tax cuts.  So, fundamentally, the real question is: Is Harris Miller a real Democrat?  We do have a big tent, and Webb wants to keep it big and extend it.  So, maybe we should "let him" stay.  But I sure don't think he deserves a line on the ballot this fall.  He's too Bush-lite to be believed.  And we see what Bush-lite has gotten us: Up the creek.

You forgot... (Lowell - 5/3/2006 3:55:41 PM)
Miller also wants to:

*"pull the switch myself" on the electric chair
*"treat criminals like criminals," which he claims the Democratic Party doesn't do (!!!)
*confirm Bush's Supreme Court nominees
*renew the PATRIOT Act
*privatize federal jobs
*NOT have a "national, single payer system" for health care

How on earth is this guy a Democrat, exactly?  Because he worked for the Democratic Party 20 years ago?  Feh.

Bush's finger real ro doctored? (thegools - 5/3/2006 3:53:18 PM)
I have long wondered if that Bush finger photo is real or doctored. I first saw it two years ago.  Any idea?

Re Miller: If I want a republican in office I think I would vote for a Republican.

Looks real to me... (Lowell - 5/3/2006 3:56:19 PM)
but I'm not 100% sure. 

Final topper: Miller could back the "marriage amendment" (Peter Rush - 5/5/2006 9:53:40 PM)
At the monthly meeting of the Loudoun Democratic party in March (March 23), Miller was asked point blank what his position was on the Constitutional amendment on marriage. His answer, which I and 70 other Democrats heard, was almost verbatim: "If Tim Kaine supports it, then I will support it. If Tim Kaine opposes it, I will oppose it." I almost fell off my chair. Obviously, hideous on two counts, first, that he won't even make up his own mind but will follow someone else, second, that under any condition, he would consider supporting this monstrosity of an amendment.

Peter Rush