"Hoy, vamos a construir la Torre de Libertad"

By: Lowell
Published On: 4/29/2006 7:44:59 AM

Is this ironic or what? (quick definition of irony: "incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs"):

"Hoy, vamos a construir la Torre de Libertad," Gov. George E. Pataki declared, answering a question from Roberto Lacayo of Univision 41 television. ("Today, we are going to build the Freedom Tower.")

That's right, it's George Pataki, the Republican Governor of New York, speaking at "ground zero" in New York yesterday, marking the official beginning of construction on the "Freedom Tower."  In Spanish.  Pretty funny.

Now, let's cut to our Republican President, George W. Bush, whose former oil company was called "Arbusto" (Spanish for "bush"), pandering yesterday on the issue of a Spanish language version of the national anthem:

I think people who want to be a citizen of this country ought to learn English.  And they ought to learn to sing the national anthem in English.

Finally, let's go to the Bush White House's website en espanol:

El Presidente Bush est+â-í casado con Laura Welch Bush, ex profesora y bibliotecaria. La pareja tiene dos hijas, las mellizas Barbara y Jenna. Tambi+â-¬n son parte de la familia Bush dos perros, Barney y Miss Beazley, y un gato, Willie.

Ir+â-¦nico, no?  Chistoso?  Pienso tan.


Darn, I wanted to hear "Jose Can You See?" (PM - 4/29/2006 8:12:27 AM)
Sorry.  And the joke was stolen from fark.com

How do you say "hypocrisy" in Spanish? (JC - 4/29/2006 10:30:09 AM)
The Republicans have really shown their hands with their reaction to the immigration issue.