Star Spangled French?

By: Lowell
Published On: 4/28/2006 8:02:59 AM

Ah, the latest outrage!  C'mon conservatives, work yourselves into a frothing-at-the-mouth lather over this one:  the Star Spangled Banner en espanol.  My GOD, those BROWN people are coming to take our low-paid jobs - most of which we don't want because they SUCK - away from us, and now they're even taking our national anthem (which we hardly ever sing cuz it's really hard and we don't know all the lyrics and stuff) away from us too! 

C'mon, feel the outrage!  Channel it!  Listen to Rush, or Sean, or Michelle Malkin, or the Minutemen for that matter...they'll tell you what to think and how to feel about this dastardly situation (ditto, ditto, ditto).  No way, no how those damn illegal immigrants gonna take my national anthem away from us.  From my COLD DEAD HANDS!!! (Whoops, wrong issue, but you get the picture).

Now, take a deep breath for a bit of perspective.  In Canada, our friendly neighbor to the north, they have a lovely national anthem.  It's even possible to sing it on key, as has been successfully demonstrated before thousands of hockey games for decades now.  Not only that, it's possible to sing it - wait, conservatives, are you sitting down? - in TWO LANGUAGES!  That's right, the Canadian national anthem - a beautiful tune, I might add - is officially in both English and FRENCH!  Sacre bleu, those damn Canucks!  But yes, it's true.  And Canada's doing just fine, merci beaucoup.

Let's see how they do it in the Great White North. 
First, the English version:

  O Canada!
  Our home and native land!
  True patriot love in all thy sons command.

  With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
  The True North strong and free!

  From far and wide,
  O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

  God keep our land glorious and free!
  O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

  O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Time for the hockey game yet?  Nope, one more version to go, en francais (plus a fight or two):

O Canada! Terre de nos a+â-»eux,
Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux.
Car ton bras sait porter l'+â-¬p+â-¬e,
Il sait porter la croix.
Ton histoire est une +â-¬pop+â-¬e,
Des plus brillants exploits.
Et ta valeur, de foi tremp+â-¬e,
Prot+â-¬gera nos foyers et nos droits.
Prot+â-¬gera nos foyers et nos droits.

Yep, patriotic in both languages.  And hey, did the world come to an end or what?  Will the hockey game go on?  Yeah, that's what I thought. So drop the puck already, game on!

P.S. On a semi-related note, let's not forget the hilarious South Park song, "Blame Canada."  And, as an added bonus for all you Minutemen out there, at least THAT song's in English.  USA, USA, USA!!!


NICE. (phriendlyjaime - 4/28/2006 8:30:28 AM)
Thanks for making me laugh about what made me sick this morning while I was watching Washington Journal.  The ignorance from closed minded people just astounds me; I always like this quote, "When I (or my dad/grandpa/mom/etc) came to Amuuuhrica, I learned the daggone language right away, and things were different!"

Um, yeah, buddy...things were different for EVERYONE, ok?  Not just you, and your little "look at me, I did things the right way, blah blah blah...."  Things were different for all people in all societies in all cultures; ugh.  I just need to drink my coffee and stop getting so worked up in the morning.

Jimi Hendrix is DEAD!! (thegools - 4/28/2006 10:28:15 PM)
I was never angry about it before, but now come to think of it I am really pissed about Jimi Hendrix's version of our anthem.  I used to like it, but now that I've come to my senses... How dare he!  What sacrilege!  If I get a hold of him he's dead!......

Tiny Tim (Neal2028 - 4/29/2006 1:57:46 AM)
Ever heard Tiny Tim's version of the national anthem?  He does it in his "real person" voice, and it really is one of the best versions I've heard.  He even sings the second verse, which I didn't (and still don't) know the words to.