New SurveyUSA Poll!!!

By: Nichole
Published On: 5/18/2005 1:00:00 AM

Yesterday, SurveyUSA released the latest poll results for the Virginia Governors race.
This poll consists of 38% self-identified Republicans and 37% self-identified Democrats. 80% of Republicans vote Republican. 77% of Democrats vote Democrat. *** Filtering: 700 adults were interviewed by telephone 5/15 - 5/16. Of them, 575 identified themselves as registered Virginia voters and were included in the survey. Margin of sampling error was 4.2%.

The FABULOUS news is this.

SurveyUSA Poll 10 weeks ago:
Kilgore : 46%
Kaine: 36%

Latest SurveyUSA Poll:
Kilgore: 44%
Kaine: 40%

That's Kaine up 4 points in the past 10 weeks, and Kilgore down 2 points, for a net swing of 6 points.  Not bad, not bad at all!

Also, check out the huge gender gap - women support Kaine by 5 points, 45%-40%, with men supporting Kilgore by 15 points, 49%-34%.  What do men see in Jerry Kilgore?  Who knows, but wait until they hear his voice!  And maybe a few more NASCAR races for Tim Kaine are in order?

Overall, this is great news for Kaine supporters.  All in all, it looks like people are starting to see the REAL Jerry Kilgore:  his "ludicrous" (according to Russ Potts) and "ridiculous" (according to George Fitch) plans for our roads; his constant whining about imaginary "attacks" against him;  his ducking of debates and discussions; his assocations and friendships with unsavory characters and far-right-wing bigots; etc. 

In other words, if we just give Jerry Kilgore and Scott Howell a few more months of their not-so-brilliant strategy, Tim Kaine should be pulling way ahead in this race.  Perhaps by the fall they might even rethink their debate avoidance strategy?  Hey, doesn't duck season start in October?


powerfulness,revolve (zoloft paxil - 4/4/2006 11:26:43 PM)
powerfulness,revolved!whisked presupposes,insufferable.loops lifelessness

Rat: I love these (Paul - 4/4/2006 11:26:43 PM)

I love these types of posts. Are you in high school, or college? You seem young. "Give it up!" "People KNOW Jerry Kilgore will get the job done and he will have victory in November"

What does that mean? Are youtrying to argue something? It's puzzling. Well, keep up the posting. I find it entertaining.

.."but wait until th (Rat - 4/4/2006 11:26:43 PM)
.."but wait until they hear his voice!" What in the world does a persons voice have to do with being a good leader! Virginia needs Jerry Kilgore!! I am sorry but I would NEVER vote for someone because they did or did not have the appropriate voice for the job! What a joke!!!  Give it up! People KNOW Jerry Kilgore can get the job done and he will have victory in November....that is ALL that matters.