Martin Dudziak - Trying to oust Goliath!

By: Nichole
Published On: 4/24/2006 2:51:38 PM

Martin Dudziak is running in the 7th CD. He is hoping to take on Eric Cantor.

Martin needs your help. He needs to raise money to take on Eric Cantor. Now is the time to take back Congress!

Visit his website -

Please give anything you can to his campaign.

Martin Dudziak, Ph.D. is a Scientist, Businessman and Innovator. He has a solid plan for a safer and stronger nation. He is the type of leader that Virginia needs.

Do we really want someone who is tied directly to Abramoff representing our state?
-Eric Cantor was rated a 7% by the ACLU, which means he generally votes anti-civil rights.
-Yet he was given a 100% rating by the US COC, which means he is 100% pro-business!
-The APHA rated him a 0%. This means that he is strongly opposed to public health.
-He was rated a 0% by the AFL-CIO, which means that he is strongly anti-union.
source: Issues 2000

Please take the time to help us give Cantor the boot!

Go here to contribute.

For Rational Government, By and For the People, not Special Interest Groups.
