Shad Planking for Webb!

By: Lowell
Published On: 4/12/2006 9:45:51 PM

It's "Shad Planking" time again, next Wednesday (April 19) afternoon and evening in Wakefield, located southeast of Petersburg and Richmond.  Here's Michael Shear's description from last year's event:

Start with beer, bugs and bony fish. Add a few hundred lobbyists, more than a couple of would-be politicians, some reporters and a handful of genuine country boys. Put it all in the middle of nowhere, on a 90-degree day, and erect thousands of signs announcing the whole thing.

It's the Shad Planking, Virginia's long-standing political ritual, where governors were once crowned by a small group of white, male Democrats.

The state and the tradition have evolved. What once was a bastion of Democrats is now filled with Republicans. There are women here, and African Americans. But the twin essences of the Shad Planking remain: politics and fish.

This year, the focus of Shad Planking will be on the U.S. Senate race - Jim Webb, Harris Miller, and George Allen. If you're a Webb supporter like most of us in the Virginia Democratic blogosphere, this will be a great chance to help Jim by coming out, helping set up before the event (signs, signs, and more signs), and basically demonstrating the enormous grassroots support Webb has in this state.

The cost to attend the Shad Planking is $20, and an RSVP is required.  In return for your admission fee, you can enjoy food (mmmm....bony fish!) and beverage (mmmm...beeeeer!), politics (mmmm...politics!), and conversation (mmmm...conversation!).  Please click here for more details on joining Jim Webb at this fun event.  Also, you can contact Daniel Gray at  See you there!


I don't want to sound like someone knew to virginia (Greg Bouchillon - 4/12/2006 9:58:50 PM)
but wtf is wrong with you people. Take the bones out of the fish. Sheesh. And who got stuck riding with Lowell down there? I hear Ben Tribbett is still trying to find one person to ride with him.

Wait, hmmm. Lowell and Ben riding together. Wow, we could sell tickets to that event.

I'm not drunk (Greg Bouchillon - 4/12/2006 9:59:28 PM)
That should be new, not knew. Too much bony fish at dinner I guess.

Thanks Greg (Lowell - 4/12/2006 10:38:40 PM)
I love you too.

Ill Be Down (Too Conservative - 4/12/2006 11:34:59 PM)
Ill be heading down there with the Davis crew.

Anyone who goes I want to meet.

Lowell- tell me whos going before you all head down.

My cells 703.314.3486.

Even though ya'll are democrats, I still want to meet everyone I can

Cool (Maura in VA - 4/13/2006 12:31:01 AM)
I'm on vacation next week and may be in Virginia on Wednesday -- it'd be a hoot to finally get to go to the famous Shad Planking!  I absolutely refuse to consume bony fish, though.  :-)

I wish I could come (DanG - 4/13/2006 12:43:01 AM)
But I have that whole school thing.  I swear, these classes are seriously screwing with my college experience. 

After the first week in May, though, I'll be mobile again!  Then, you won't be able to keep me away from events like this.

I know what you mean Danny (JC - 4/13/2006 3:03:02 PM)
Stupid work, always messing up my politics . . .

This VB Dem will be there! (elevandoski - 4/13/2006 10:45:25 PM)
*F* work! I'm going - signed up through Webb's site.  Phil Kellam is going to be there too!