Webb makes his Richmond debut!

By: Nichole
Published On: 4/8/2006 9:20:27 PM

A small, quaint coffee shop in the heart of Richmond was the site of yet another amazing Jim Webb event. Minute by minute, the crowd grew larger. The humidity was soaring as was the anticipation.

Webb arrived, receiving thunderous applause. He walked the room and began shaking hands, kissing babies and answering several individual questions before he took the stage.

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Webb first thanked everyone for their support. He brought up the fact that he was in Vietnam when he heard that there was a movement to draft him to run for Senate.

He wasted no time in jumping into the issues which are the foundation of his campaign. After almost every sentence, Webb received roaring applause. The crowd became even more pumped when Webb started to talk about Iraq and how he felt about the war.

Webb said that while John Edwards stated that there are two Americas, he believes that there are in actuality three.

My favorite part of the afternoon was when Webb explained why he was wearing work boots. He said that his son Jim, who is set to be deployed to Iraq this summer, said to him +óGé¼+ôGeorge Allen wears cowboy boots all of the time, well I have never seen a cowboy in Virginia.+óGé¼-¥ Webb then decided that he would wear his son+óGé¼Gäós combat boots from there on out.

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This is just another example of how Webb down to earth, compassionate he is. Webb just is not your and average politician.

He talked about how he became an author after he was wounded in Vietnam. Webb stated that he never intended to be a writer, but now he feels grateful to have been able to see the world in that way.

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The crowd asked several questions, including how he felt about Murtha+óGé¼Gäós timetable for Iraq. Webb stated that he is close friends with Murtha and has a high level of respect for him. However, Webb is concerned that if we try to set a time table for pulling out of Iraq, then the discussion and debate will then be focused on the date of the pullout, when it should be focused elsewhere.

Webb demonstrated again today, that he is exactly who Virginians need to return fairness and a sense of honor back to the government of the country.

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I love the picture of Jim with Jaime and Thad (JC - 4/8/2006 9:28:51 PM)
Jaime and Thad are two of Jim's best volunteers in Richmond.  They've helped us gather hundreds of signatures and Thad helped me wave signs today!

Sounds great!! (summercat - 4/9/2006 8:26:24 AM)
So good to see Webb finally getting out and about!!  Go Jim!!

Webb's been "out and about" (Lowell - 4/9/2006 9:47:34 AM)
but mainly in NOVA.  Now, he's fanning out across the state - Richmond this weekend and Chesapeake on April 15.  Then, he'll be at the Shad Planking on April 19 in Wakefield.  After that, I'm hoping he'll be in SWVA soon enough.

Great event! (Laura86 - 4/9/2006 9:43:39 AM)
I was so glad I could make it to this event.  Unfortunately I had to leave at 4, but I heard what I needed to hear.  Before I was about 85% for Webb, now I'm 100% for Webb.  It feels good to be excited about a candidate again.

It's interesting... (Lowell - 4/9/2006 9:48:27 AM)
I've heard this story many times.  Before meeting Webb, people are not 100%.  After meeting him, they are.  With Miller, it seems to be the opposite, as doubts grow larger AFTER meeting him.  Fascinating, eh?