Moving The Debate to New Turf

By: Teddy
Published On: 3/21/2006 2:00:00 AM

Those who think for themselves about public matters have suffered too long. The discourse between our two major political parties in this country is devoid of content, a peat-repeat struggle over nonsense, brain-locked into a plainly unrealistic frame devised by politicians for politicians, all intended to soothe, fool, or incite the apparently comatose voter. Let?s see if we can get some help here in a rough draft to ?change the rules of engagement and thereby change the terms of the debate.? We?ll offer up just a few topics for today:

WAR ON TERROR. There is no war on terror. Terror is a tactic; it?s been employed by almost every power hungry group since time began, including the Romans, the Kings of England, the Pope and the Inquisition, the Americans against the Indians and vice versa, the Communists, the Israelis, the Arabs, and so on. Declaring a ?war on terror? was a public relations stunt. The response to 9/11 has been mishandled from the get-go, and so far every campaign mounted under its name has not succeeded, including that in Afghanistan; it is as if the Americans roar in, blow everything up, and begin to lose interest, having successfully created hydra-headed terror. What probably started as a War for Oil--- or maybe a War to Make a President Look Good (if we?re being honest)--- has now become a Forever War with no definable victory in view, and no strategic plan for ?victory,? since victory cannot be defined in such circumstances. Al Qaeda truthfully was never in a position to conquer the United States, just hurt some of our people. While Afghanistan rightfully should have been punished for aiding and abetting Osama bin Laden, thereafter it was more a police problem (could Gore have been right?) or some other such surgical operation in which, in 2001, even nervous Muslim states would have cooperated.

What if we had spent all these trillions of war dollars on: 1) solving our own domestic problems (education, crumbling infrastructure, economic development); 2) developing alternative energy resources to free us from petrol slavery; and/or 3) providing clean water supplies and other infrastructure in the Mid East to jump start the area?s development and thus make the common man (and woman) more comfortable and less antsy?

GLOBALIZATION. The natural evolution (aha! Creationists take note) of industry in a free market economy, which means developing the most efficient use of resources and labor? true, we are in a difficult transition right now, but in the long run everyone of course will benefit from cheaper, more plentiful production of goods, and so all you whiners and socialists should get out of the way.

Folks, the market is NOT really ?free,? we all live in the short run, not the long run and what we have here is not globalization but a transition to what I call a new era of CORPORATE FEUDALISM in which faceless international business elite is above national law, secretly manages the governments of nations to an increasing degree, and defines how the common man lives, works, entertains himself, goes to war, and generally adds to the corporation?s bottom line. This isn?t just an immigration problem, an outsourcing problem, a problem about foreigners buying up American ports and companies. We should be talking about how to protect ourselves from this new dragon, this new socio-political structure... did the peasants of decaying Rome recognize and understand what was happening when they signed up as a serfs of the new baron class, which promised to protect them from other barons?

That?s it for today, class. Below is a list of other topics for homework.

  ECONOMIC RECOVERY. If times are so good why do so many of us feel so bad?
HOMELAND SECURITY. An assinine boondoggle
RE-WRITING SCIENCE. The Bible told us all we need to know, and God gave us all He created for our use, it says so right here in Genesis, as interpreted by my favorite religious leader.


Teddy: I'd put it o (Lowell - 4/4/2006 11:34:01 PM)
Teddy:  I'd put it on Daily Kos if you can. Thanks.

Will do a cross post (Teddy - 4/4/2006 11:34:01 PM)
Will do a cross post or two, thank you for the suggestion. Josh, let me know where you think it should go.

The interesting thing is, when talking with uncommitted pfolks, when I bring up these points, a light goes on and they start ti "get it." That is, I'm not mired in negatives about nagging issues positions, but now we're talking about the important things and that is what has been missing in public discourse, and for which people are plainly hungering. Interesting, we all are becoming philosophers.  Maybe because we have such a philosopher president?

I agree with Josh. (DanG - 4/4/2006 11:34:01 PM)
I agree with Josh.  This needs to be all over the place.

Teddy, you need to c (Josh - 4/4/2006 11:34:01 PM)
Teddy, you need to cross post this in a couple of places. 

Bravo! (F. T. Rea - 4/4/2006 11:34:01 PM)

Great letter! I'm (Alicia - 4/4/2006 11:34:01 PM)
Great letter! 
I'm sure some will try to find negatives in it, but I challenge those to stay positive and write a similar letter on Miller's behalf.

What amazes me about (Teddy - 4/4/2006 11:34:05 PM)
What amazes me about this whole hoorah's nest is that there has been so little notice taken of it. Has Bush done so many depredations, swaggered off so blithely so often that we've all just plain given up and continue to let this everlasting adolescent run  wild?