Send George Allen a birthday wish

By: Rob
Published On: 3/8/2006 2:00:00 AM

George Allen's wife has sent out a fundraising email asking us to "sign" the Senator's birthday card.  Notably, she tells us what she's fighting for:

I know that I am doing everything in my power to make sure that come November 7th George is re-elected to another term in the Senate and I hope that you will do the same.

Notice that she isn't doing everything in her power to make sure he actually serves another term in the Senate.  Now, that would conflict with his 2008 presidential campaign schedule!

Anyway, click here to send George Allen a birthday wish.  Some examples:  "I wish you a lot of free time with your family after November 7th, 2006"  Or, "I wish you a great campaign for a seat you plan to abandon after a few months."  Send him an email and let us know what you wished him in the comments.


I wish you a very ha (Josh - 4/4/2006 11:33:27 PM)
I wish you a very happy retirement.

Happy trails, or rather:


My wishes to Georgie (Alicia - 4/4/2006 11:33:27 PM)
My wishes to Georgie:

Why are you fighting so hard to keep the Senate seat you plan on abandoning for better things?  Virginians deserve better.
Happy Birthday

Let's see. For the s (Steve Nelson - 4/4/2006 11:33:27 PM)
Let's see. For the second half of this year he won't be governing because he'll be campaigning for 2006. If he gets reelected (God forbid) he'll govern for 1 year, then for all of 2008 he won't govern at all.

It's suddenly become very apparent why every state has 2 Senators!

George, maybe it's time to retire.