Blogger Overload?

By: Lowell
Published On: 3/6/2006 2:00:00 AM

Republitarian raises an interesting issue:  are we reaching blogger overload here in Virginia?  Is it time for some serious consolidation of blogs?  Or are we destined for, as a commenter in the Washington Post asked the other day, "28.7 million blogs...[and] 28.7 million illiterate fools with a digital soapbox who cannot manage to correctly spell the word 'definitely,' even with the help of a spellchecker."

By the way, this may be the first and last time I agree with Republitarian on anything.  On the other hand, he lost me with his "Where's Waldo" post.  Whatever.  All I know is that my #1 goal in life is to move up from #9 most influential blogger on Republitarian's list and some day - please, GOD! - reach the lofty heights of Vincent Thoms (#5).  Obviously, I can never aspire to Ben Tribbett (#1) status, but at least I can evade his questions at St. Patrick's Day parades.  Heh.
