Strong Leadership: What We Don't Get from Republicans

By: Lowell
Published On: 2/28/2006 2:00:00 AM

Results from the latest New York Times poll:

66. Would you favor or oppose an increased federal tax on gasoline?

Favor Oppose DK/NA
12  85  3

67. What if your payroll taxes or income taxes were reduced as a result of the increased gasoline tax, then would you favor or oppose an increased federal tax on gasoline?

Favor Oppose DK/NA
28  63  10

68. What if the increased tax on gasoline would reduce the United States' dependence on foreign oil, then would you favor or oppose an increased federal tax on gasoline?

Favor Oppose DK/NA
55  37  8

69. What if the increased tax on gasoline would cut down on energy consumption and reduce global warming, then would you favor or oppose an increased federal tax on gasoline?

Favor Oppose DK/NA
59  34  7

Amazing that simply saying the increased gasoline taxes would be earmarked for global warming reduction flips the results from 85-12 AGAINST to 59-34 FOR raising the gas tax.  What does this tell me?  That on most issues, leadership and the way things are explained matter the most.  Unfortunately, that's exactly where the Bush Administration has failed the worst - strong leadership and a concerted effort to explain their thinking to the public.  Imagine what Bush and the Republican Congress could have accomplished after 9/11, for example?  By now, we could be well on the way to getting off of our oil "addiction," reducing global warming, and pulling out of Iraq.  But noooo....
