Dubai Deal Deep-Sixes Drake, Davis, Dubya?

By: Lowell
Published On: 2/25/2006 2:00:00 AM

Whatever you think about the merits of this Dubai Ports World deal - and I personally have mixed feelings about it - it appears to have been a political disaster for President Bush and the Republicans.  According to a poll released yesterday by Rasmussen Reports, "[j]ust 17% of Americans believe Dubai Ports World should be allowed to purchase operating rights to several U.S. ports."  Even more significant:

From a political perspective, President Bush's national security credentials have clearly been tarnished due to the outcry over this issue. For the first time ever, Americans have a slight preference for Democrats in Congress over the President on national security issues. Forty-three percent (43%) say they trust the Democrats more on this issue today while 41% prefer the President.

Holy Homeland Security, Batman, that's incredible!  The first time ever the public trusts Democrats more than Republicans on national security?  Well, better late than never, but it amazes me that not catching Osama or totally messing up the Iraq situation didn't do the trick.  Sigh.  Anyway, this is potentially HUGE for the November 2006 elections.  Check out this analysis by Rasmussen:

The preference for the opposition party is small, but the fact that Democrats are even competitive on the national security front is startling. In Election 2002, the President guided his party to regain control of the Senate based almost exclusively on the national security issue. On Election Day that year, just 23% rated the economy as good or excellent, but the President's Party still emerged victorious.

In Election 2004, national security was again the decisive issue as the President won re-election. Voters consistently expressed a preference for George W. Bush over John Kerry when it came to issues surrounding the War on Terror.

What this implies, if it holds, is big Democratic gains in the upcoming elections.  Given that national security is pretty much the only issue where the public sides with Republicans over the Democrats, it looks like we'll definitely be saying "bye bye Thelma Drake" this year in Virginia.  Others who could be on the way out if there's a Democratic tidal wave?  Could we be saying, good-bye Jo Ann Davis?  How about "Goode" bye Virgil "MZM Scandal" Goode.  And maybe, if all goes well, might we even be singing the "nah nah nah, hey hey" song to Tom Davis and Frank Wolf?  Obviously, there's still a lot of time to go before the November elections.  But if Republicans like Goode, Drake, Davis, Davis, and Wolf think they're totally safe, I've got a few ports I'd like to sell them!  Real cheap.  Heh.

P.S. Yes, I enjoyed the alliteration in the title.  Sorry, but it's a blogger's little pleasure.  We must indulge once in a while, no? ;)
