Governor Kaine: Two Steps Toward Climate Action

By: NorminIrvington
Published On: 11/14/2008 9:49:54 AM

It is good news that Governor Kaine intends to focus his attention on climate change and energy efficiency. There are two important steps he could take to demonstrate strength of purpose.

First, he should redirect the Climate Commission to focus on how to achieve twenty percent reduction in energy demand by a program of increasing the energy efficiency of existing buildings. In other states (notably California) this has been achieved by decoupling utility companies profits from demand and recoupling profit to energy efficiency.

Second, he should mend fences with Dr. James Hansen of the NASA Goddard Institute and Columbia University Earth Institute. Dr. Hansen has labled Governor Kaine, "Governor Greenwash," in an opinion piece circulating in the international scientific community. Dr. Hansen arguably is the nation's preeminent climatologist. He could be very helpful to Governor Kaine, but he needs to change an opinion.  


Third, he should tell Dominion to take a hike (Lowell - 11/14/2008 12:39:23 PM)
and start talking to groups like CCAN.