Obama's video on voting in Virginia

By: Rob
Published On: 11/1/2008 11:01:53 PM


COMMENT HIDDEN (Liberty11 - 11/2/2008 1:42:16 AM)

Ten compelling reasons why Obama is winning. (Great Blue - 11/2/2008 7:08:08 AM)

Voting. (Great Blue - 11/2/2008 7:02:02 AM)
Please make sure you are voting in the right precinct.  It is frustrating to wait in line, then not be able to vote because you have to go to another location.  If you are not sure of your voting location, you can check here.  Other information, including whether you are registered and what's on the ballot, can be found on the State Board of Elections website here.

The deadline for absentee voting in person passed yesterday.  If you received an absentee ballot by mail, and haven't returned it yet, it must be received by Tuesday, November 4th.  You can return it to the registrar in person on or before Tuesday, November 4th.  Only the voter can return a mailed absentee ballot in person.

Be Prepared (jackiehva - 11/2/2008 3:57:27 PM)
In addition to making sure you are at the correct precinct,please, please, please, have your ID OUT before you get to the table.  ALSO please read any referendums  before you prepare to vote.  Too much time is wasted if people don't know how to vote on the issues.  The lines are going to be long and we, the poll workers, want the process to run smoothly and efficiently so you can vote and be on your way.  Thank you for being prepared.