Virginia Senate passes smoke-free bill

By: Nichole
Published On: 2/13/2006 2:00:00 AM

A shocking development in tobacco-friendly Virginia:

Lawmakers meeting just a few miles from the headquarters of the world's largest cigarette company advanced a bill Monday to prohibit smoking in all of Virginia's restaurants, taverns and most other public, indoor places.

The Virginia Senate voted 21-18 to pass legislation expanding the state's Indoor Clean Air Act, which has been on the books since 1990. The bill now goes to the House of Delegates.

"I would be pleasantly surprised if it goes all the way through," said Anne Morrow Donley of the Virginia Group to Alleviate Smoking in Public, which vigorously lobbied for the less-restrictive 1990 law. "It's time we had more protections for everyone."

Sen. Brandon Bell, R-Roanoke County, said his measure is intended to shield Virginians from the potential cancer-causing effects of secondhand smoke. Even taverns would be smoke-free under his bill, which would ban lighting up in virtually all indoor venues except private homes, hotel rooms designated for smokers, specialty tobacco stores, tobacco manufacturers and public facilities hosting private functions.

Kudos to Sen. Bell for a smart bill that's a long time coming.  Of course, the bill's opponents will make twisted arguments about free choice and market forces - as if an unregulated marketplace has ever been the sure way to ensure public safety.

My guess is that the prospects for this public health law to pass the House of Delegates is bleak ... but stranger things have happened.  Currently, Virginia law prevents localities from passing such smoke-free laws.


I don't know what th (Brave Hart - 4/4/2006 11:32:35 PM)
I don't know what the correlation is but the more smoking is banned the higher the dividend on PM stock. Go figure.