Thelma Drake: Talk About "Lying!"

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/21/2008 10:39:16 AM

Of all people, Thelma Drake is the last one to accuse anyone of lying. Yet that's exactly what she's now doing:

Click on U.S. Rep. Thelma Drake's campaign Web site - - and a new message attacking her opponent, Glenn Nye, is hard to miss.

Headlined "Nye Caught Lying About Drake's Vote on G.I. Bill," the article says Drake, contrary to Nye's claims, voted for the GI Bill. It includes a link to the June roll call showing her "yes" vote.

Drake's Web site does not mention that she voted against the first version of the bill a month earlier. Nye has criticized her during the campaign for that vote.

"It is indisputable that she voted against it before she voted for it," Nye spokesman Will Jenkins said in an e-mail. "She took a lot of criticism at the time for voting against our veterans, and now she is trying to hide from the truth."

In short, Drake is trying to deny that she voted against Jim Webb's "modern day GI bill" before she voted for it.  Fortunately, the truth is there for all to see. And hopefully, in 14 days, the truth will set Thelma Drake free...from Congress forever, that is.
