Drillmore Gilmore

By: Silver Fox
Published On: 10/16/2008 12:10:16 PM

I keep seeing those green GOP signs telling us to drill here, now and cheaper gas will miraculously flow into our tanks.  Then this morning I saw an interview with Gilmore on the fact that Virginia has been moved to a leaning blue state by CNNs polling.  The polling in the Warner/Gilmore Senate contest was mentioned as well and Gilmore said with an absolutely straight face that the polling was wrong, that a "surge" was occurring in Virginia that was going to bring both Republicans and him personally to victory in November.  I see that Gilmore is still delusional...I thought his End the Car Tax campaign, which sadly a majority of Virginia voters bought, was the most deceptive one run in recent Virginia memory but  I have to say the Drill Now and get immediate results tops the car tax issue.  Drillmore Gilmore needs a big dose of reality and he's going to get it on Election Day.
