Virginia Republicans want to open Virginia's waters to oil drilling!

By: Rob
Published On: 2/10/2006 2:00:00 AM

This is quite surprising, but not in the way you'd think:

The Bush administration yesterday proposed a study of oil and natural gas development off Virginia's coast, with an eye to possible future drilling. . . .

Sen. John W. Warner, R-Va., said the draft plan "highlights the need for the United States to diversify its sources of American oil and gas by addressing the supply-limiting moratorium on production . . . off most of our coasts."

Sen. George Allen, R-Va., "believes Virginia stands to benefit from possible deepwater exploration far from the view of the coast," said Allen spokesman David Snepp. If lease agreements result, Allen will insist that Virginia get "a healthy share of the revenues," the aide said.

"Energy exploration off of Virginia's coast will help to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and a provide revenue source to fund the cleanup of the Chesapeake Bay," said Rep. Eric I. Cantor, R-7th.

Rep. Thelma Drake, R-2nd, said reducing dependence on foreign sources of energy is critical, and "one of the ways that can be done is exploring the natural gas resources that exist off of the coast of Virginia."

It's not the Bush plan for oil drilling off the Virginia coast that surprises me.  It's the fact that so many members of the Virginia's Republican House delegation are excited to throw open the Commonwealth's waters to big oil interests.  Between tourism, fishing, agriculture, and shipping, our waters and shores are a critical part of the Virginian ecomony.  Clean beaches, healthy seafood, unencumbered farms and ports - is it smart to risk all this for a non-renewable resource like oil?

By the way, even Jeb Bush opposes drilling offshore of his home state.  Why won't Virginia's Republican Congressmen and Senators do the same?
