McCain: ACORN and immigration rights activists are "what makes America special"

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/14/2008 7:39:45 AM

"Hat tip" to Marc Ambinder of The Atlantic, who writes:

Here [McCain] is, on Feb. 20, 2006, telling immigration rights activists at a rally in Miami  that they "are what makes America special." ACORN co-sponsored the rally, and its volunteers surround McCain, and while there's no evidence that McCain ever formally teamed with the group, the video serves as a reminder that he did not mind being associated with them when the politics of the moment were different.


McCain had no trouble fraternizing with ACORN in 2006 when their political interests coincided with his. Now, his campaign is writing e-mails in his name bashing ACORN as a tool of the Obama machine.

The McCain campaign: beyond parody.
