Jerry Kilgore: There's Got to be a "Morning After" (pill, that is)

By: Nichole
Published On: 4/28/2005 1:00:00 AM

Why would a pharmaceutical company that creates not only 20 different types of birth control pills, but also the Plan B Emergency Oral Contraceptive (morning after pill), give Republican ?so called conservative? Jerry Kilgore $21,000?

We ask this question because, ?> Virginia Public Access Project,  New York-based  Barr Laboratories Inc has given the (supposedly) anti-abortion candidate, Jerry Kilgore, $21,000 in his run for Governor of Virginia.

Could it be that Barr's generous donation had something to do with then-Attorney General Kilgore?s decision in May of 2003 in favor of the "morning after" pill?:

GOP Attorney General Jerry Kilgore dodged a grenade lobbed within his own party by advising that Virginia colleges can dispense "morning-after'' contraceptive pills to co-eds without violating Virginia's parental notification law on abortion. (Source: Pilot )

Interestingly, Kilgore's decision in this case made Virginia one of only 21 states which allows minors to seek emergency contraception without parental consent.  (Source: The Alan Guttmacher Institute ) (HB 1414 and HB 1403)

What makes this even more interesting is the fact that Kilgore is a Southern Baptist, attending the Grove Avenue Baptist Church in Richmond.  According to Ben Mitchell of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, , the "morning after" pill causes a "chemical abortion, plain and simple."  Mitchell adds that some "unsuspecting pro-life Christians" have been "led astray by the morning after pill's advertisements." 

Was Jerry Kilgore one of them, or is he not as "pro-life" as he claims he is?  How would Kilgore respond to Barrett Duke, vice president of public policy for the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, who says this about emergency contraception:

Many women will buy the lie that they are actually preventing pregnancy, when in reality, in many cases, all they will have done is terminate a very early pregnancy, an abortion in other words.

Our guess is that Jerry Kilgore, if challenged on this subject, would simply "duck" a conversation on the issue,  just as he "ducks" on so many others.

The question for the day?  Which candidate for Virginia governor is  the one who needs to re-evaluate his faith and politics?  The answer?  Hint:  it isn?t Tim Kaine!


I think Kilgore shou (Matt - 4/4/2006 11:26:18 PM)
I think Kilgore should be admired for the courage it took to stand up to members of his own party. That's the kind of leadership VA needs, not candidates with carpet bagger employees in duck costumes.

may god damn all of (Pastor John - 4/4/2006 11:26:18 PM)
may god damn all of you to hell

Note, "BrianVA" is n (Jeremy - 4/4/2006 11:26:18 PM)
Note, "BrianVA" is not Brian Patton.  :)

Agreed Brian,,,What (lou - 4/4/2006 11:26:18 PM)
Agreed Brian,,,What a foolish post. Instead of bashing Kilgore (95% of this blog) Tell me what Kaine stands for....Be sure to include the date he was for it, before he was against it...

Wow. That's really a (Kara - 4/4/2006 11:26:18 PM)
Wow. That's really all I can say to that. How can one be anti-abortion but pro-morning after pill? Has he been asked about it and not commented (as usual)?

I would prefer us no (BrianVA - 4/4/2006 11:26:18 PM)
I would prefer us not to go after Mr. Kilgore this rare time he was right. Plan B does not constitute an abortion by medical definition. An abortion is an end to a pregnancy and since Plan B works by preventing implantation of the embryo in the uterus it is not an abortifacient. The medical definition of pregnancy? Something to the effect of an embryo attached to the wall of the uterus. Clear and simple.

Are you really a pas (Sheryl - 4/4/2006 11:26:19 PM)
Are you really a pastor? Or is that just your web name? I just ask because I am a Christian and I know that Jesus would NEVER say those words to anyone, no matter what their sin was. Jesus showed compassion and love to sinners, not hatred. Many non-christians are turned off by christianity today because of this attitude. God is love. We are the ones who are filled with hate and anger. We are flesh. This is natural to us. Please take some time to let God take control of these feelings you are having. I tell you this as a sister in Christ, they are wrong. You will do more harm than good by behaving this way. I know it is hard, but only God can help us overcome ourselves and witness to others in love instead of our fleshly hate. Please hear me and help me show God's love instead of people's hate. Remember, He hates the sin, not the sinner. If you truly believe you are a Christian you will hear these words and go to God in prayer. Give it up to Him. He is the author of life and the only One who can and will damn anyone to hell, and, if you'll remember, it is not His wish for ANYONE to go to hell, but for all to come to Him. It is our choice and ours alone. Let's stop turning the confused and unsaved away because of our hatred.

I can't believe that (Barry Bain - 4/4/2006 11:26:19 PM)
I can't believe that we are expected to believe this when it clearly states on this page that this person wants Kaine to win.  I think it sounds like someone trying to lie and spread rumors because they know that Kilgore is going to win.  Also, that Kaine can't run a positive campaign as he claims.  I would like to know where he got this information.