Early Voting in Ohio until Monday make calls today!

By: phillip123
Published On: 10/4/2008 10:54:36 PM

A Message from Michelle Obama:

We're right in the middle of a very narrow voting window that could make the difference in this election. And we have to act fast.

Ohio voters have until this Monday, October 6th, to register and vote early... all in one step. This is an extraordinary opportunity to get the votes we need to win Ohio.

And since Ohio is a key battleground state -- and played a pivotal role in the last presidential contest -- winning in Ohio could help us secure a national victory.

So what can you do to help Barack win in Ohio? You can help us Get Out The Vote -- and tip the balance in this election -- right from your own living room.

Get a list of potential Ohio supporters and their phone numbers right now. Give them a call and make sure they vote early for Barack.

Republican officials in Ohio didn't want voters to have this opportunity. In fact, they challenged One-Stop Early Vote in court. They tried to prevent new people from entering the political process. But we fought back, and we won.

This is your chance to make a huge difference in a crucial battleground state. Polls in Ohio are extremely close. You can help push us to victory.

The calls you make today could change the direction of our country for generations. We have to seize this opportunity -- for our children, our country, and our future.

Get your list of potential supporters in Ohio and call them before this narrow three-day window closes.

There are just 30 days left until Election Day.

To win this election, we've got to make sure as many people as possible come out and vote -- and make their voices heard.

It's up to you to make it happen. First in Ohio, then in your state.

Thank you so much for your support of this campaign. We could never have come this far without you. Now, let's work together all the way through Election Day to bring the change our country needs.

