Chris (Matthews) vs. Chris (Cilizza): Don't Mess With Chris!

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/3/2008 7:20:20 PM


More video fun! (Lowell - 10/3/2008 7:22:33 PM)

Good for him! (Ingrid - 10/3/2008 7:59:57 PM)
Michelle What's Her Name changes positions from one minute to the next, depending on what Chris dictates.  What's up with that?

Way to go Chris Matthews.... (bladerunner - 10/3/2008 9:19:52 PM)
Chris is speaking for all of us who just can't believe how unready Sarah "the proud animal slaughterer" Palin is. Holy crap without the right wing Bible thumpers she is nothing. She's a culture pick not a pick of knowledge. That's how almost half the people that vote, decide who to vote for, CULTURE. Yikes that ain't good.

Culture voters (Teddy - 10/3/2008 10:29:58 PM)
Also known as Values Voters. It is emotional voting, IMHO, but it would not have turned out like this had someone the values voters regarded as an authority figure not told them that the idea was a value and should be politicized.  That's how abortion became a values question and entered politics rather than being a personal question and thus a decision subject to the values of the woman, not the state. This meddling by the state is strongly disapproved of when the state undertakes to regulate something the private authority figure wants to do for himself, however, so there is no consistency, and I have noticed that most of these "values" end up having to do with controlling women, and treating them as second class citizens, not to be trusted to live their own lives.