Breaking: Obama's Healthcare Plan insures 34 million uninsured Americans

By: vesilv
Published On: 10/2/2008 4:07:31 AM

Cross-posted on DKos & softdrift; part of a series about healthcare, and who gets it.

The Commonwealth Fund has released a report on the candidates' healthcare plans. Healthcare is increasingly crucial - one in four independents calls it a top issue. We've got to get this heard.


Compared with McCain's approach, Obama's approach could provide more people with affordable health insurance that covers essential services, achieve greater equity in access to care, realize efficiencies and cost savings in the provision of coverage and delivery of care, and redirect incentives to improve quality. [Commonwealth]

Just to remind you what else is wrong with McCain's plan:
It's worth checking out this comparison chart of the candidates' plans that was released by the Commonwealth Fund as a companion to its report. Just the visual is striking: McCain's side is empty, Obama's is full. Who's got the real healthcare plan - and isn't it obvious?
