Who is Gordon Klingenschmitt? Part 2

By: JMU Duke
Published On: 10/1/2008 12:40:40 PM

Cross-posted at: Enough is Enough Virginia

Yesterday, we learned that ex-Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt was drummed out of the Navy not for praying to Jesus as he claims, but for disobeying a direct order. We also covered his crusade against Governor Tim Kaine, with the help of House Majority Leader Morgan Griffith and Delegate Charles Carrico. Today, we learn that not only is Mr. Klingenschmitt a convicted former chaplain, he also LOVES media attention.

The flap in Virginia over the State Police's policy on nondenominational prayer represents Klingenschmitt's latest effort to promote himself and fill out his personal YouTube channel.

Klingenschmitt's website is little more than a catalog of the numerous press mentions and television appearances that the man has managed to generate for himself with stunts like hunger strikes.

In a time of economic uncertainty and war, it is surprising that Mr. Klingenschmitt would focus so much energy on distracting the public with a non-issue that advances his personal cause, but offers no comfort to the people in Virginia who are struggling right now.

Considering this pattern of media courtship and self-promotion, it should surprise no one that Mr. Klingenschmitt will be hosting a press conference today in Richmond to try and keep this non-issue alive and his name in the papers for another day.

Why should Republican leaders in Virginia hesitate before they drape their arms around Mr. Klingenschmitt and his agenda? The answer comes later today in Part 3!
