McCain shamelessly uses soldiers for politics.

By: buzzbolt
Published On: 9/27/2008 11:18:24 AM

Quoting Senator Jim Webb in his recent book "A Time to Fight", 2008.
It is both patronizing and condescending for politicians to use our military people as backdrops or "color commentary" for their own political goals.  The implications of such political posturing are even more troublesome when the military's competence becomes the sole bright spot in political wars gone awry.

In the first McCain-Obama debate, John McCain painted a patriotic backdrop using a large U. S. Army Re-enlistment ceremony in Iraq which he attended at the invitation of the oft mentioned General Petreaus. McCain shamelessly suggests that the many hundreds of soldiers who re-enlisted that day were on display because of their support for the Iraq War.

But, there is always more that is not revealed.

First, cash re-enlistment bonuses are huge and mostly tax-free.  Ask around and you will be astonished.

Next, McCain fails to note that many re-enlistments are individuals who already have invested so many years in the service that it would be irrational to forgo the few years left to their 20 year retirement.

Finally, the service for many becomes "home",  they are more than willing to accept the negatives (including death and injury) because they feel they have found a special place where they belong.  Their re-enlistments will be automatic whether there is peace or war and there may be little patriotism and certainly no politics involved.  
