Draft Mudcat for Obama's Virginia Campaign!

By: cycle12
Published On: 9/24/2008 3:57:54 PM

Good afteroon, RK!  Please join with me now to help convince the Obama campaign to hire Dave "Mudcat" Saunders to start working immediately for Barack Obama in Virginia's 5th, 6th and 9th Congressional Districts.

There's a growing movement in this part of the state to bring Mud on board because we know that there is no one better qualified to promote Obama's message to the voters of southwest Virginia.  Mud's a gifted messenger who knows exactly how to connect with the average person, especially in this area.

Ninth District Democratic Congressman Rick Boucher has said that if Obama can win at least 45% of the vote in his congressional district, he can win the state.

As we all know so well, Virginia is definitely a swing state this year, and the need to garner votes from this portion of the Commonwealth may be mandatory in order to turn Virginia blue.

If you agree, then please contact whomever you know in the Obama campaign and implore them to bring Mudcat into the mix before it's too late.

On Wednesday morning, November 5, I would not want to wake up broken-hearted to an Obama defeat because we didn't swing Virginia for him.

This may just be the most important election of our lives...




I'd suggest folks write and call Rick Boucher instead (Shawn - 9/24/2008 7:44:25 PM)
If he decides to push the Obama-Biden ticket along with his re-election and helping Mark Warner's expand his Senate victory margin ... the 9th could get to 45%  ...  

Webb got 44%
Kaine got 43%
Kerry got 39%
Gore got  42%

Mudcat is a fool (notlowellfeld - 9/25/2008 11:06:05 AM)
there are good political organizers in SWVA; Mudcat is not one of them.

Why don't you ask (kestrel9000 - 9/25/2008 12:32:21 PM)
Warner or Webb what they think of your opinion?

They probably agree (notlowellfeld - 9/25/2008 2:52:50 PM)
Mudcat never got a dime from either campaign and he didn't deserve any money he is counterproductive.

if Mudcat is so great why isn't he working for Warner's senate campaign?