Obama's Seven Clear Attacks on McCain/Bush/Reaganomics

By: Josh
Published On: 9/21/2008 9:11:15 PM

This moment is the end of Reaganomics.  Reality has unleashed an all out assault on the pillars of conservatism for the past 8 years.  It is the great shame of the Democratic party that in all this time we have failed to put a nail in the GOP coffin in all these horrific years.

So the recent economic disaster, "the hard fall", can, should and must stand as the grave marker of a failed theory, a failed world view, a failed economics that has failed America.

Barack Obama has provided detailed principles which must form the basis of any plan to address the hard fall.  If Democrats are to effectively capitalize on the events of these past days, these same principles can and must be turned against the McCain campaign, Bush and the principles of Reaganomics.  What the conservatives did to the term "liberal", and what Bush has done to himself, Democrats must do to "Reaganomics", "supply-side", the Laffer curve, and "starve the beast".  They've all been nothing more than Voo Doo Economics, and the hard fall is more proof than we'll ever need.

The stakes couldn't be higher.  At stake is not only the race for the White House, but the race for the direction of America for a generation.  The right-wing spin machine is already permeating the media with messaging that deflects, denies, deceives; anything to stop the American people from waking up from acknowledging the right-wing class war that the right has waged and won since the the ascendancy of Ronald Reagan.

Obama 7 points


Atlantic Groundhog Day
