Filming Monday in VB

By: rhkennerly
Published On: 9/21/2008 10:03:02 AM

PBS's NOW will be filming Monday evening, 22 Sept--that's tomorrow night--at 6:45 pm at the VB Obama office (Virginia Beach Blvd at Rosemont--just east of the intersection on the south side of VB Blvd).  

They're specifically filming Veterans for Obama, but we need to ensure a good turn out of "background" folks as well.  

If you're a veteran, a military spouse, or the parents of an AD member, please make time to come.  And remember to wear any piece of service related casual clothing--ball caps, t-shirts, that kind of thing--that you might have.  

And if you're an Obama supporter, please make time to come as well.  Gonna have lots of swag to hand out, so stop by.
