Is West Virginia in Play ? !

By: thegools
Published On: 9/18/2008 1:32:29 PM

I was on and saw that the last two recent polls out of WV, show a close race.  Still, I am hearing nothing about it in the press, from activists, nor from the campaigns.
Almost no polling has been done there except for these recent one.  Should we start to pay attention?

The surveys were by

1) ARG, conducted 9/14-9/16 (McCain leading by only 4%; 49% to 45%)&
2) Blankenship, conducted 9/5-9/8 (McCain leading by 5%; 44% to 39%).

It seems to me this may be a fruit that is riping to be picked up by Obama.  


Worth the effort (Ron1 - 9/18/2008 2:21:39 PM)
Obama and Biden have spent a lot of time in southwestern Virginia, not conceding an area that is not a natural constituency for Barack.

People aren't stupid. West Virginia is definitely culturally conservative (like most of Appalachia), but reality has a way of intruding on McCain's constant lies. Plus, with Penn., Ohio, and Virginia all being swing states, I'm betting that lots of WVa folks have also been getting the ads from out of state markets.

I hope Obama makes a few stops in Charleston and Morgantown. Get the Big Dog and Hillary out on his behalf. This would be a back-breaker of a loss for McCain.  

Obama has 11 field offices in West Virginia (JPTERP - 9/18/2008 4:11:52 PM)
and I suspect some of he's doing some advertising in the state.  

Hopefully, he, Biden, and the Clintons make a few trips to the state.

I saw some other interesting polls here too (thegools - 9/18/2008 6:24:32 PM)

One shows Indiana with Obama carrying a big lead!